Employment Process

New Position Request

  1. Contact Business Manager to arrange funding
  2. Contact Business Assistant to get form
  3. Complete New Position Request form and return it to the Business Assistant
  4. Business Assistant submits the form and supporting documentation to the College for approvals

Posting a Salaried Position Advertisement

  1. Contact Business Manager to arrange funding
  2. Contact Business Assistant to get form
  3. Complete New Position Request form and return it to the Business Assistant
  4. Business Assistant submits the form and supporting documentation to theCollege for approvals

Posting an Hourly Position Advertisement

  1. Contact Business Manager to arrange funding
  2. Business Assistant or Supervisor posts in Aggie Handshake
  3. Student Employment Office Approves

Hiring a Salaried Position Candidate 

  1. Contact Business Manager to verify funding
  2. Contact Business Assistant
  3. Business Assistant submits EPAF request
  4. College approves and posts to Banner
  5. Business Assistant contacts candidate to complete required employment forms
  6. Candidate may begin work

Hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow

  1. Contact Business Manager to verify funding
  2. Contact Business Assistant
  3. Business Assistant submits EPAF request
  4. College approves and posts to Banner
  5. Business Assistant contacts candidate to complete required employment forms
  6. Candidate may begin work

Hiring a Wage Hourly Position

  1. Contact Business Manager to verify funding
  2. Contact Business Assistant
  3. Business Assistant submits EPAF request
  4. College approves and posts to Banner
  5. Business Assistant contacts candidate to complete required employment
  6. formsCandidate may begin work

Hiring a Graduate Student

  1. Contact Business Manager to verify funding
  2. Contact Graduate Programs Coordinator
  3. Graduate Programs Coordinator requests approval
  4. Graduate Committee and Department Head approves
  5. School of Graduate Studies approves
  6. Graduate Programs Coordinator contacts Business Assistant
  7. Business Assistant Submits EPAF request
  8. College approves and posts to BANNER
  9. Business Assistant contacts candidate to complete required employment forms
  10. Candidate may begin work