By Cameron Allred

Zootah Internship

Zootah Internship PDF File

Cameron Allred.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to administer basic medications and shots without professional help.
  • Understand diet requirements for captive reptiles.
  • Learn how to develop enrichment activities for captive reptiles.
  • Develop skills in raising live food for captive reptiles.
  • Learn about monitoring body condition in captive reptiles through weight and enclosure tracking.
Bins full of bugs for animal diets.
Superworm colony for sustainable, high nutrient diets
A person holding a large reptile under its stomach behind its front legs with one hand and under its stomach in front of its hind legs with the other hand.
Proper handling practices for larger reptiles on "Gojira"
A person pointing to two spots where legs of tortoise attach to its body.
How and where to administer medical shots on a Russian tortoise
Python with its mouth held open by a popsicle stick.
Screening for mouth rot in Burmese python "Sunshine"

Valuable Lessons Learned:

  • The value of different perspectives in a working environment to reach an ultimate goal.
  • The need for creativity in allowing the animal life at a zoo to thrive and not only survive.
  • Exposure to the workings of a zoo and the fun that it can be.

US Forest Service: Department of Agriculture.Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Future Career Goals:

  1. US Forest Service
    1. This internship solidified my desire to work as a wildlife biologist in order to preserve local wildlife.
  2. Zoos and Aquariums
    1. This internship helped me realize how much fun a zoo career could be. I love working with animals themselves, particularly herps.