Current Openings and Opportunities for Graduate Students

Research Opportunities

Traineeship Program
NSF-funded research traineeship program is available to graduate students in Biology. Both PhD and MS students are invited to apply. Apply and learn more at the Climate Adaptation Science site.


Graduate research position in wildlife disease ecology

The Weinstein and Clark-Wolf Labs at Utah State University are recruiting one graduate student to study parasite distributions and animal strategies to respond to warming climates. Research will focus on moose and their parasites (winter ticks, arterial worms) in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah. Key aims include 1) estimating tick and arterial worm exposure across elevations used by moose; 2) determining how environmental factors influence parasite survival; and 3) developing parasite distribution models to inform moose management. Candidates with experience in field research, molecular work, parasitology and entomology are encouraged to apply. Qualified candidates should contact Dr. Weinstein ( with a letter of interest, CV that includes contact information for two references, unofficial transcripts, and scientific writing sample. For more information, visit

Graduate research position in above and belowground multi-trophic interactions
The Mundim Lab at Utah State University is seeking graduate students (M.S. and Ph.D.) to begin Fall 2023. Research areas include plant-herbivore/parasite interactions and host-plant optimal defense, at the intersection of plant phytochemistry, entomology, nematology, population and spatial ecology, and evolution of species interactions. Students are welcome to bring/discuss their own original ideas or to work within the scope of the current projects in the lab, which include: the study of how belowground communities shape complex arrays of aboveground interactions; predictability and priority effects of plant responses to multiple herbivores; demographic responses of plant-animal interactions to disturbances/environmental variation. Candidates with experience and/or interest in plant-mediated interactions with aboveground and belowground partners/enemies are strongly encouraged to apply. Students will be funded via Teaching Assistantships and PI funds. However, I also strongly encourage applications for graduate research funding and doctoral dissertation improvement grants. In addition, students in the lab will be expected and supported to apply for additional funding opportunities from various sources in order to improve their grantsmanship skills. Qualified candidates must contact Dr. Fabiane Mundim ( with a letter of interest (statement of purpose), CV/resume (including GPA), and contact information for two references. After contacting me but before applying, students interested in joining the lab at USU are encouraged to review admission requirements ( The Mundim lab is a respectful and friendly environment that appreciates and welcomes the differences among us, whether in race, gender identification, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, beliefs, or disabilities. In the Mundim lab we believe that a diverse group is essential to help us query the world from multiple perspectives and in inventive ways!

Graduate research position in Flower Metabolism
The Borghi Lab ( is recruiting one (1) graduate student interested in pursuing a PhD in Plant Molecular Biology. Previous experience in genotyping, gene expression, cloning, etc, will be taken into high consideration. The PhD student will work on projects related to plant reproduction in flowers of Arabidopsis thaliana. Students interested in this position should send their formal application to the USU School of Graduate Studies – Dept of Biology and indicate their preference to work in the Borghi lab. Only students who will send their complete application will be invited to an interview by the Department of Biology. Information on how to send the application can be found here . Formal interviews will take place in February 2024.

Graduate Opportunity in Protein Based Biomaterials
The Jones lab is currently seeking graduate students. Potential projects are diverse and include: The study of transgenic spider silk/silkworm silk glandular protein structure and characterization, genetically engineering silkworms to incorporate novel proteins into their silk, and the development of novel immortalized cell lines with an emphasis on protein expression. Techniques and research areas will include synthetic biology, genetic engineering, and protein structure determination techniques, including Rheo-Raman. The projects involve novel and cutting-edge concepts and techniques with applicability beyond basic research. Candidates with interest and/or experience in these areas are strongly encouraged to apply. Students will be funded through teaching assistantships. Before applying, interested students are encouraged to review admission requirements for the Department of Biology (admission requirements under the “Requirements” heading). Interested and qualified candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Jones ( with a letter of interest, their CV, and contact information for two references. The Jones Laboratory is diverse and inclusive, and we encourage women, minorities, those with disabilities, and veterans to apply.