USU Brand: Brand Identity

Brand Voice

Having a distinct voice helps to humanize our organization. Audiences are more likely to trust and connect with Utah State University when they understand our core values and mission.


Consider Utah State University’s brand persona when using phrasing and stylistic choices. These choices should be used on a consistent basis. Apply this personality everywhere: newsletters, social media posts, internal communications, press releases, marketing copy, etc.


Our communications should carry a certain tone. Utah State University’s voice is authentic, confident, down-to-earth, and based in research. Avoid sounding institutional, and speak clearly and authoritatively.

Aim for clarity.

Much of what happens at universities is technical and complicated. Use language that focuses on impact and presents complex ideas in simple terms.

Include emotions.

Utah State University is a home away from home for students, faculty, and staff. Communicate in a way that allows the reader to understand the Aggie network is a family.

Be aspirational.

Our students, alumni, faculty, and staff effect positive changes for individuals, communities, and the world. We want to write about these impacts in ways that tell the story of who we are and what we are doing to make the world a better place.

Examples of USU Brand Voice

Accurate and exciting writing takes work. Writers should know their audience and tell a good story. Use the active voice, be conversational and inclusive, and tell the truth. USU tells these stories every day through various means. Some examples include:

Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification (ASPIRE):

"ASPIRE takes a comprehensive, research-based, inclusive approach to workforce development with the aim to support our envisioned cross industry transformations, national scale electric and transportation infrastructure projects, and significant domestic job growth. Our goal is to prepare the workforce and communities of the future to understand, operate within, and design for sustainable electric infrastructure; integrating technical, professional, and social analytic capacities. We see opportunities for engagement, training, and retooling across the industries, from trades and community colleges, to undergraduate and graduate education, to ongoing professional development."

Aggies Think Care Act:

"As Aggies, we all have a responsibility to foster healthy engagement with ideas and issues that might otherwise divide us. We all have a responsibility to live up to the values of respect, kindness, and compassion toward one another regardless of how we celebrate, love, pray, or cast our vote. Now more than ever, we must reject the rhetoric of 'us vs them.' We are Aggies and, united, we will stand."

Campus Life Living:

"There's no better way to experience all Utah State offers than by making it your home. Students who live on campus are just minutes from class and are the first to learn about activities and events. Studies have shown that students who live on campus typically have better grades, are more likely to graduate, and are more satisfied with their college experience."