2021 Newsletter - Summer
This summer there have been a number of important updates that may impact your class and provide you some additional functionality.
Email Change
You are probably already aware of this, but students are now automatically assigned an A#@usu.edu email account. This creates a number of benefits:
- Zoom accounts—students can now log into https://zoom.usu.edu with their A number and strong password and will have access to a Zoom account
- Office 365 accounts—students have access to Office 365 through their email accounts
As of Aug. 21, 2021, New Analytics will display attendance (participation) data. To utilize this report, turn on the New Analytics Feature Preview in the course settings. Data will be available the day after it is enabled.
A new option for student annotations for assignments is also available.
Assignments: Student Annotation Submissions (2021-05-15 Release) from Instructure Canvas Community on Vimeo.
A new view environment, called Immersive View, will allow you to display your students on one screen with a virtual background. Enable Immersive View in your Zoom settings at https://zoom.usu.edu before starting it in your meeting. With the virtual background on, you can move students to different positions on the screen. Only the host of the meeting will see the virtual background.
When breakout rooms are started, you can now share a screen to breakout rooms.
Emojis are now available in the Reactions menu.
Support for gender pronouns allows a user to designate their pronouns as part of their Zoom profile and the pronouns will be visible next to the user's name.
Atomic Assessments
Enable Proctorio in Atomic Assessments to take advantage of virtual proctoring capability.