

The Ecology core requirements are few and flexible. Students must meet these requirements, as well as any additional ones of their home department.


  1. The degree is research-based and requires a thesis or dissertation.
  2. The Ecology Center (EC) schedules regular seminars throughout the school year with ecological scientists from other participating institutions.  Ecology majors are required to attend or view a minimum of 10 such lectures per 1-credit Ecology Seminar course. Eight (8) of these lectures MUST be EC Seminars, either by attending the seminars we host each semester in-person, OR by watching recordings of previous EC seminars on the EC website or YouTube Channel.  The remaining two required seminars can be ecologically-related seminars offered by other departments on campus, OR Ecology Center Seminars (in person or recordings).  Live attendance is greatly encouraged, with the use of recordings meant to supplement those unable to attend live seminars due to extenuating circumstances.  This 1-credit course is offered in both the Spring and Fall Semester and students will be required to fulfill the attendance requirement for their enrolled semester (BIOL/ENVS/PSC/WATS/WILD 6870).   
    • MS students must pass the 1-credit Ecology Seminar at least two times during their program of study.
    • PhD students must pass the 1-credit Ecology Seminar at least three times during their program of study.
  3. The degree requires some demonstrated breadth of knowledge in Ecology, most often satisfied with courses from the topical Blocks listed below.
    • MS students must take three credits each from two of the Blocks.
    • PhD students must take three credits each from three of the Blocks. 

Students may substitute other courses from the same topical area by request of the graduate supervisory committee to the Ecology Center Director. 

Block #1: Biophysical Ecology

CEE 6740 Environmental Quality Modeling/Surface Water Quality Modeling 4 credits (Neilson) (Fall)
GEOS/PSC/WATS 5680/6680 Paleoclimatology 3 credits (Rittenour) (Spring even years)
GEOS/WATS 6150 Fluvial Geomorphology 3 credits (Wheaton) (Fall)
PSC 6130 Soil Genesis, Morphology, and Classification 4 credits (Boettinger) (Fall)
PSC 5500/6500 Environmental Physics of Land Ecosystems and Climate 3 credits (Hipps) (Spring)
PSC 6820 Environmental Biophysics 2 credits (Hipps) (Spring)
WATS 6840 Ecohydraulics 3 credits (Wheaton) (Spring even years)
WILD 3100 Introduction to Wildland Fire 3 credits (Yocom) (Fall)
WILD/PSC 5350/6350 Wildland Soils 3 credits (Kulmatiski) (Fall)

Block #2: Organismic, Population, and Evolutionary Ecology

BIOL 5530 Insect Systematics and Evolution 3 credits (von Dohlen) (Fall, every 2-4 years)
BIOL 6240 Physiological Ecology of Vertebrates 3 credits (French) (Fall odd years)
BIOL 6260 Behavioral Ecology 3 credits (Not currently offered)
BIOL 5600/6600 Comparative Animal Physiology 3 credits (French) (Fall)
WATS 5310 Ecology and Restoration of Wetland and Riparian Plants 3 credits (Kettenring) (Fall)
WATS 6230/7230 Fish Ecology 2 credits (Budy) (Spring odd years)
WATS 6900 Wetland Field Botany, 1.5 credits (Kettering, Schultz) (Offered last week of summer but students register for in fall)
WILD 6400 Ecology of Animal Populations 3 credits (Masters of Natural Resources-specific: speak with Dan MacNulty before registering)
WILD 6550 Wildlife Behavioral Ecology 3 credits (Conover) (Spring)
WILD 6600 Graduate Ecology 3 credits (Manlove) (Fall)
WILD 6720/7720 Advanced Conservation Biology 3 credits (Beard) (Spring)
WILD 6900 Disease Ecology 3 credits (Manlove) (Spring)
WILD 7400 Plant Population Ecology 3 credits (Schupp) (Fall, final offering in Fall 2024)

Block #3: Community, Ecosystem, and Landscape Ecology

BIOL 6010 Biogeography 3 credits (not currently offered)
BIOL/PSC/WILD 6200 Biogeochemistry of Terrestrial Ecosystems 3 credits (TBD) (Fall)
BIOL 6210/6750 Measuring and Modeling the Terrestrial C Cycle 3 credits (Waring) (Spring even years)
WATS 6110 Environmental Biogeochemistry 3 credits (Brahney) (Fall)
WATS 6310 Wetland Ecology and Management 3 credits (Kettenring) (Fall odd years)
WILD/WATS 6700 Restoration Ecology 4 credits (Kettenring/Veblen) (Fall even years)
WILD 5700 Forest Assessment & Management 3 credits (DeRose) (Spring)
WILD 6600 Graduate Ecology 3 credits (Manlove) (Fall)
WILD 6710 Landscape Ecology 3 credits (Stuber) (Fall)
WILD 6730 Forest Community Ecology 4 credits (Lutz) (Fall odd years)
WILD 6770 Community Ecology 3 credits (Adkins/Robinson) (Fall even years)
WATS 6820/7820 Stream Ecology (Hawkins) (Fall)
WATS 6900 Basic Wetland Delineation, 1.5 credits (Kettenring, Norman) (Offered last week of summer but students register for in fall)
WATS 6900 Stream Ecology 2 credits (Hawkins)(TBD, On-Demand)
WILD 6900 Invasion Ecology 3 credits (Beard) (TBD)
WILD 6900 Disease Ecology 3 credits (Manlove) (Spring)
WILD 6900 Fire Ecology 3 credits (Yocom) (spring)
WILD 7000 Theory and Applications of Wildland Ecosystem Management 3 credits (TBD) (TBD)

Block #4: Quantitative Ecology

BIOL 6270 Ecology: Concepts & Theory 3 credits (Beckman) (Fall, odd years)
GEOG 4950/6950 Geospatial Analysis in R 3 credits (Howe) (TBD)
MATH 6910.002 Topics in Mathematical Biology and Ecology TBD (Variable Instructors) (Spring even years)
MATH 6910.003 Topics in Mathematical Biology and Ecology TBD (Variable Instructors) (Spring even years)
MATH 6820.004 Topics in Mathematical Biology and Ecology TBD (Variable Instructors) (Spring even years)
MATH 6910.005 Topics in Mathematical Biology and Ecology TBD (Variable Instructors) (Spring even years)
STAT 5500/6500 Biostatistics Methods 3 credits (Stephens) (Spring)
STAT 5120 Stat Methods for Rates and Proportions 2 credits (Fall)
STAT 5200 Design of Experiments Class 3 credits (Various) (Fall, Spring)
STAT 5570/6570 Statistical Bioinformatics 2 credits (Stevens) (Fall odd years)
STAT 5650 Statistical Learning and Data Mining 2 credits (R. Cutler) (Spring)
WATS 6050 Aquatic Ecosystem and Water Resource Systems Modeling 2-4 credits (Null) (Fall alternating odd years)
STAT 6200 Generalized Linear Mixed Models 2 credits (Coster) (Spring)
WATS 6900 Parameter estimation and modeling for natural resource management 3 credits (Walsworth) (Fall)
WATS 6900 Hydrologic Modeling for Watershed Sciences 3 credits (Null) (Fall, Spring, Summer)
WILD 6500 Design and Analysis of Ecological Experiments Using R 3 credits (Manlove) (Fall)
WILD 6900 Reproducible Data Science (TBD) (Spring and Fall)

Block #5: Human Ecology


ASTE 5260/6260 Environmental Aspects of Agricultural Systems 3 credits (Miller) (Fall)
ENVS 6320/7320 Water Law and Policy in the United States 3 credits (Endter-Wada) (TBD)


ENVS 6400 Ecological Aspects of Wildland Recreation 3 credits (Monz) (Spring)


LAEP 6110 Landscape Planning for Wildlife 3 credits (Hirschfeld) (Fall)
LAEP 6200 Bioregional Analysis and Planning 5 credits (Licon) (Fall)
LAEP 6270 Site Analysis: Social, Behavioral, and Biophysical Dimensions 5 credits (Johnson) (Fall)

Economics, and Sustainability, and Translational Science:

APEC 5560 Natural Resource and Environmental Economics 3 credits (Li) (Spring)
APEC 5950 Applied Economics Policy: Environmental Benefit Cost Analysis 3 credits (Not currently offered) *will be assigned a new course number
ENVS 6010 Applying Human Dimension to Natural Resource Management 3 credits (Hedin) (Spring, online)
WILD 6100 Science Communication 2 credits (Young) (Spring) 
ENVS 6350 Ecological Economics 3 credits (Lant) (Spring Even Years, subject to change)
ENVS 6410 Translational Ecology 3 credits (TBD) (TBD)
ENVS 5550/6550 Sustainability: Concepts and Measurement 3 credits (Tainter) (Spring)
PSC 6070 Advanced Agroecology 3 credits (Reeve) (Spring)
ENVS 4950/6900 Humans & Global Change Ecology 3 credits (Osbourne) (Spring)

Anthropology, History, Psychology, and Sociology:

ANTH 5340/6340 Archaeology of the Desert West 3 credits (Finley) (Fall, odd years)
ENVS 6300/7300 Conservation Psychology 3 credits (TBD) (TBD)
SOC 6620 Environment, Technology, and Social Change 3 credits (Givens) (Fall, even years)
SOC 6630 Natural Resources and Social Development 3 credits (Ulrich-Schad) (Fall)
SOC 6800 Multispecies Justice and Indigenous Approaches to the Environment 3 credits (Vinyeta) (Spring)

*Abbreviations - Biology (BIOL), Environment & Society (ENVS), Geography (GEOG), Geosciences (GEOS), Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning (LAEP), Plant Soils and Climate (PSC), Sociology (SOC), Watershed Sciences (WATS), Wildland Resources (WILD)


Climate Adaptation Science (CAS):

Graduate students from any of the CAS program's 10 affiliated departments can apply for this 9-credit specialization.  The Climate Adaptation Science program closely integrates research, instruction, work-place experience, and collaborations among scientists, federal, state, and local land and resource managers, policy-makers, trainees, and citizen stakeholders. The program emphasizes interdisciplinary research and includes training in informatics, modeling, communication, leadership, project management, risk assessment, decision-making under uncertainty, and interdisciplinary teamwork. Trainees acquire primary disciplinary expertise in their departmental major degree fields. All trainees acquire facility in working on problems that span, and in teams that include, the full range of climate-adaptation-related disciplines. For additional information about the program, including eligibility requirements and application instructions, please visit the CAS website

Forest Ecology

Within the Ecology MS and PhD degrees in the Wildland Resources Department a student also can choose to pursue a Specialization in Forest Ecology, which will appear on their transcript if completed. To opt for the Specialization in Forest Ecology, select it when you fill out your committee form or enter it under your plan description in your program of study. Required elements for this specialization include:

  • Any three (3) of the courses in Table 1 for MS students.
  • Any four (4) of the courses in Table 1, plus one (1) more course from any Ecology Center block for PhD students.

The remaining credit hours for the degree are determined by the student and their committee.

Table 1. Currently Offered Classes




Ecology Block


WILD 3100

Introduction to Wildland Fire

Every fall

Block #1


WILD 5700

Forest Assessment & Management

Every spring

Block #3


WILD 5710

Forest Vegetation Disturbance Ecology & Management

Every other fall (even)

Block #3


WILD 6350

Wildland Soils

Every fall

Block #1


WILD 6570

Forest Ecology of the Sierra and White Mountains

Summer only (first half)

Block #3


WILD 6730

Forest Community Ecology

Every other fall (odd)

Block #3


WILD 6900

Fire Ecology

Fall every other year (odd)

Block #1


WILD 7400

Plant Population Ecology

Every fall

Block #2


PSC 6130

Soil Genesis, Morphology, and Classification

Every fall

Block #1


WILD 6710

Landscape Ecology

Every spring

Block #1



Financial Support Opportunities For Ecology Graduate Students

Graduate students working on Ecology degrees are eligible to apply for the following types of support. All depend on availability of funds and worthiness of the application.

Participation in Professional Meetings

The Ecology Center considers requests for partial support for faculty or graduate student travel to regional or national professional meetings for presentations as first or sole author. Here is our new process for handling these requests. At the start of each month, two members of the advisory board will consider and rank the requests received during the previous month. We expect to award up to $1000 each month, though this number may change with our budget. Priority will be given based on financial need and the benefit to the faculty or student of attending the meeting. Requests will be capped at $500. Requests that are not granted will be rolled over to the following month until the need for the funds has passed. Similarly, unspent funds will be rolled over to the following month. You can view the spreadsheet listing the award amounts, purposes, and recipients here:

To apply for travel support, email the following information to Thad (  1)  the name and dates of the meeting, 2) the title and authorship of the presentation, 3) your estimated budget for the meeting, 4) the amount of requested Ecology Center funds (note that the Ecology Center does not provide support for registration fees, and 5) a list of other sources of support for your participation in the meeting, or an explanation of why no other support is available. Please keep in mind that we will make decisions in the first week of each month and plan ahead. If you need a faster decision, explain why and give us a clear deadline.

Publication Costs

The Ecology Center also considers requests for partial support (up to $500) for publication costs. Requests will be considered within the same process described above for meeting participation support. Priority will be given to student-led papers and projects without publication costs in their budget.

To apply for support, email the following information to Thad (  1) a pdf of the manuscript, 2) the name of the journal, 3) the total publication cost, 4) the amount of requested Ecology Center funds, and 5) a list of other sources of support or an explanation of why no other support is available.

Graduate Research Awards

Graduate research awards (currently up to $5,000 per year). To assist in thesis or dissertation research, these are offered competitively in spring of each year and you may apply in two consecutive years. A proposal is required. Calls for proposals will be announced in early January each year, and those who are awarded funding will receive access to those funds on July 1st.  You can view the most recent RFP document here:

Finishing-Up Funds

Finishing-up funds. If you have no other sources of support, are in residence at USU working on completion of your MS or PhD degree, and are within three months of defending your thesis or dissertation, you may apply for this one-time award of up to $2,000. A one-page proposal is required and should indicate your progress, work yet to be accomplished, and anticipated defense date. The proposal must be submitted and endorsed by your major professor to Thad (

 Emergency Medical Fund

Students with outstanding medial debt that imposes a financial burden are eligible to apply for support from the QCNR Emergency Medical Fund. The purpose of this fund is to aid graduate students in QCNR and all Ecology graduate students facing financial hardships due to medical expenses.  

Prospective Students

Ecology is increasingly interdisciplinary, and ecologists have diverse training backgrounds. The Ecology program at Utah State includes affiliated faculty from 11 departments in 5 colleges and fellow students with many different interests. The Ecology curriculum is research-based and includes a common but flexible core of seminars and courses, along with specific departmental degree requirements and a research thesis or dissertation.

Acceptance into the Ecology degree program requires acceptance by a faculty who will serve as advisor for the degree program. If you are interested in studying Ecology at Utah State, you should contact the Faculty Associate(s) whose areas of research align with your professional interests. Inquiries sent to the Ecology Center will be routed to appropriate department(s), department head(s), or faculty member(s).

Application should be made to:

The School of Graduate Studies
Utah State University
0900 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322-0900
(Phone: 435-797-1189, Fax: 435-797-1192)

More Information

The department of interest should be specified. Departments offering Ecology MS and PhD degrees are:

USU does not offer an Ecology degree through the Geosciences department; however, MS and PhD students in Geosciences who are specializing in Sedimentology and Paleoecology, or Geomorphology and Earth Surface Processes can become Ecology Center affiliates with access to the benefits the Ecology Center has to offer. Please contact the Ecology Center with questions or for more information.

Utah State offers a variety of competitive graduate scholarship and fellowship opportunities (see also Departmental and College webpages). Also, the National Science Foundation offers Graduate Research Fellowships through a competitive process.

Graduate Student Resources

Help us populate this page with information that you think would be useful to other graduate students.

Email suggestions to or stop by and chat with Thad in NR314.