What is the BIT?

The Behavioral Intervention Team, or BIT, is a multi-disciplinary team which is focused on maintaining a safe community at USU. The BIT manages cases with an elevated risk of harm compared to the cases managed by the CARE team.

Our Behavioral Intervention Team members are dedicated University professionals from offices across campus, including Public Safety, Faculty Representative, VP for Student Affairs Office, Residence Life, the Office of Equity, the Disability Resource Center, the CARE Office and Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). In addition to specialized training related to their BIT roles, each team member brings unique perspectives, expertise and resources to our process.

Using the information available, cases are carefully reviewed. The BIT collaborates on a plan to respond to reports of concerning behavior and to support the student or students involved. The BIT implements interventions and monitors the cases, endeavoring to help reduce harmful behaviors.