An education is more than your foot in the door

It's Job Placement

It can be incredibly daunting to re-enter the workforce after spending so much time raising a family, serving our country, or taking care of your health. Whatever the reason, the transition back to work looks harder than it really is. A quality online education takes away a lot of the fear and hurdles.

One Degree, Please, And a Large Slice of Confidence

Earning a college degree bridges the gap between unemployment and the career you want. You’ll gain the training and accreditation to prove your skill sets, plus a network of advisor support, resources, and students in the same boat as you. Most of all, you’ll gain the confidence you need to be competitive in a growing workforce.

USU Online Has You in Mind

Stay-at-home parents, veterans, and anyone else who has decided to change jobs can find a place at USU Online. Many of us have had the same experiences as you and understand what it takes to earn a degree. With our 100% online courses, there’s no “going” back to school because school is wherever you are. Whichever degree you choose, it will be convenient and fit your schedule, taught by faculty with real-world experience, and supported by advisors who will guide you to graduation.


Other Program Options

For other programs, including tech bootcamps and professional development courses, visit For courses and programs aimed to improve your life, and that of your family and community, visit

Get Started Today. Talk to Dan.

Dan Allred

Dan Allred
Online Enrollment Specialist
(435) 797-8431
Schedule an Appointment