Make the most of your graduate experience

Graduate school can be an exciting, challenging and life-changing adventure. The College of Science is committed to helping you take full advantage of your experience at USU.


What am I supposed to learn as a graduate student?

While your graduate education requires in-depth training in your chosen field, the full benefit of a graduate education is realized by developing a wide range of academic and professional skills, many of which transcend the specific academic discipline. For example, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently articulated a series of expectations for all STEM Master’s and PhD graduate students. These core academic and professional skills and learning objectives include:

  • Disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge
  • Professional competencies
  • Foundational and transferrable skills (e.g. communication, leadership, teamwork)
  • Research

How will I meet all of these expectations?

Your graduate experience will be most successful and productive as you intentionally identify areas that need work, set specific goals to improve, and engage the support of mentors. For this purpose, graduate students in the College of Science are expected to develop and maintain a current Individual Development Plan. 

Individual Development Plan Resources

What resources are available to help me achieve my goals?

Your department, the College of Science and the University offer a wide range of resources to help you in your graduate activities and career development.

Foundational and transferrable skills
  • Graduate Training Series (GrTS) - Workshops held throughout the academic year, designed to build soft skills and address topics requested by USU graduate students. Hosted by the Graduate School
  • CAAS Summer Professional Development Workshop - Summer professional development workshop, three sessions addressing scientific scholarly literature, data management, and research presentation techniques





Project Management

Computer and Programming Skills


Professional Competencies


Research Support


Research Responsibility and Integrity

  • Integrity and Compliance - Includes information on conflict of interest (CoI), research, misconduct, and required Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training.


Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary knowledge



Do you have ideas or suggestions to improve this list of resources?