High-Stakes Assignments
High-stakes assignment are a form of assessment that hold a significant weight on the student’s grade. The assignments include exams, essays, debates, projects, etc. Using these types of assignments should be used in a way to gage the learning progress of the students.
Why Have High-Stakes Assignments?
Like the name suggests, high-stakes assignments should be a way for students to be motivated to apply what they have learned. Motivation to learn is the main point for using these types of assignments.
We recommend deciding on high-stakes assignments based on the course learning objectives. The following chart can help you identify an effective high-stakes classroom assessment or appropriate types of questions:
What You Want to Assess | What to Assign / Give |
Ability to define key course terminology and recall facts |
Analysis of key course concepts |
Application of discrete research, technical, performance, or meta-cognitive skills |
Ability to transfer knowledge or skills and apply them to new situations |
Creation of new knowledge |
High-stakes assignments. High-Stakes Assignments | Feedback & Grading | Teaching Guides | Teaching Commons | DePaul University, Chicago. (n.d.). Retrieved March 7, 2023, from https://resources.depaul.edu/teaching-commons/teaching-guides/feedback-grading/Pages/high-stakes-assignments.aspx