Science & Technology

USU Aerospace Undergraduate Calls Go at T-Minus Zero

By Kelsie Holman |

Aerospace engineering undergraduate student Grace Graham recently shared her experience as an intern with United Launch Alliance.

Mechanical and aerospace engineering student Grace Graham recently shared her experience from a summer internship with United Launch Alliance. The internship culminated in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to call, “Go!” on the Mars2020 rover launch.

Graham was tasked with helping run launch preparation tasks and spent most of her internship with the rocket.

“I spent every day of my internship with the rocket in some way,” said Graham.

She and a group of other interns also helped design a piece of mission-critical hardware that was used on the rocket for the launch. On the day of the launch, Graham was one of the voices heard counting down to go.

“I got to say the final words before the launch, which was a really cool experience,” she said.

See the interactive presentation about Grace Graham at


Kelsie Holman
Communications Journalist
College of Humanities & Social Sciences


Engineering 351stories Student Success 320stories Aerospace 83stories Internship 51stories

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