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  • Utah Public Radio Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017

    Crossing Borders: Women's Associations in Morocco - A Source of Inspiration

    Facilitated by an International Initiatives Grant through the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, a nine-person research team from Utah State University traveled to Morocco to find their academic objectives spark realizations of global proportions. “My goal was to introduce others to how the majority of the world lives, which is not how we live in this country. And insure that those who go, come back understanding that not every Muslim is a terrorist.”vThat’s Peg Petrzelka, Utah State University professor of sociology, describing a recent study-abroad trip to Africa, specifically Morocco, in a rural community near Marrakesh. The research team focused on the role of civil society organizations, or women’s associations. Rebecca Walton, professor of English explains. ... The research team accomplished many of their goals – creating meaningful cultural exchanges, seeing how the rest of the world lives, and observing civil society organizations in a non-industrialized country context. The next step in this journey is applying the inspiration of Moroccan women’s associations to community life at home.

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