Teaching & Learning

USU's On-Track Scholarship a 'HUGE Blessing' for Statewide Students

By Kat Webb |

To help get students "on-track for success," USU's Wasatch Region developed the On-Track Scholarship in 2021, and students are seeing the benefits.

Scholarship applications are opening soon for current Utah State University students. To help get students “on-track for success,” USU’s Wasatch Region developed the On-Track Scholarship in 2021, and students are seeing the benefits.

“Students face many challenges, and our hope is to incentivize effective steps they can take to help them persist through graduation,” said David Vernon, associate vice president for the Wasatch region. “We know, for example, that students who meet with their advisor are more likely to persist than those who don’t. We also know that students who have a two-semester plan, register for at least six credits each semester, and declare a major are more likely to make progress toward graduation.”

According to Kenya Cramer, one of the most recent On-Track Scholarship recipients, taking these steps to receive the scholarship has been a “HUGE blessing”.

“The best aspect of being awarded the scholarship was feeling like USU has my back and wants me to succeed,” wrote the junior from Salt Lake City. “Being an online student can be tricky sometimes because it’s easy to feel isolated from the school/campus activities but receiving the scholarship and having communication from my advisor really helped in feeling more connected.”

The Wasatch Region’s career coach, Marissa Armitstead, said she loves this aspect of this needs-based scholarship.

“It really puts students and their unique academic, career and financial needs first,” she said. “I am so grateful our region has been able to provide both financial support as well as wrap-around supports for students who want to succeed both in and out of the classroom.”

The scholarship is open to any exploratory students in the Wasatch Region — or those who are registered in a Salt Lake or Orem section — with a 2.5 cumulative GPA at USU and enrolls in at least six credits each semester. Then students must meet with the exploratory advisor for the region, have a two-semester plan saved in DegreeWorks, and meet with Armistead to explore careers.

Meeting with the career coach and advisor were fantastic, Cramer said, especially when it came to networking and career exploration.

She added while FAFSA covers some of her tuition, she’s “always looking for ways to help with extra costs like textbook rentals, repairing an ill-timed laptop malfunction, or other expenses.”

Cynthia Kammeyer, also a junior, from Cottonwood Heights, has had a similar experience.

“I am a single mom and I work full time as a server to support my kids,” she said. “This scholarship allows me to take an extra day off work here and there to spend more time on my studies without the stress of not financially being able to afford it.”

Ensuring students had regular communication with their career coach and focused mentoring through exploratory advising was one of the goals of the scholarship — even for students who don’t receive the award — said Mykel Beorchia, the executive director for University and Exploratory Advising.

“The Wasatch Region recognizes the importance of students building meaningful relationships with USU advisors, coaches, and mentors who can help students achieve their dreams,” she said. “Their innovative approach to student success makes a difference to students who are awarded the scholarship and others who attend the Wasatch Region.”

Jeff Cook, the Wasatch Region’s academic and exploratory advisor, agreed.

“Not only do they get to qualify for the scholarship for two semesters, they also receive extra support with the mentoring experience that will help them with the skills needed to be successful through the completion of their major and into the careers they are pursuing,” Cook added.

The scholarship is also “challenging staff to better communicate student needs to provide a more seamless university experience to all statewide students,” Armistead added.

Applications for the On-Track and other institutional scholarships opens Dec. 1. For more information, students can contact Cook at jeff.cook@usu.edu.

On-Track Scholarship recipient Kenya Cramer, a junior attending USU Salt Lake, says the program is helping her in exploring school majors.

Cynthia Kammeyer received the USU Salt Lake On-Track Scholarship which is motivating her to complete her education.


Kat Webb
Assistant Director for Strategic Communications
University Marketing and Communications


Jeff Cook
Academic Advisor/Success Coordinator
University and Exploratory Advising
(435) 797-4230


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