Event Recap - Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls & Women

The Utah Women & Leadership Project hosted a Spring Women's Leadership Forum event on February 17th entitled "Stopping Violence Against Utah Girls & Women." The panel was moderated by Dr. Susan Madsen and was attended by Liliana Olvera-Arbon, Executive Director of the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault; Jennifer Campbell, Executive Director of South Valley Services and Former Chair of the Utah Domestic Violence Coalition; Dr. Annie Isabel Fukushima, Project Lead of the Gender-Based Violence Consortium; and Chris Yadon, Executive Director of the Younique Foundation. 

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, reports from those on the front lines indicate that all types of violence against women and girls has intensified. Did you know that one in four girls is sexually abused before age 18 — that’s an estimated 42 million women in the United States. Violence against women remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma, and shame surrounding it. Most survivors keep the abuse a secret for many years, and most don’t talk about the abuse until adulthood. As survivors carry the weight of their abuse, they often struggle with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, panic attacks, addiction, learning difficulties, chronic pain, and unhealthy relationships.

Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. In this event recording, learn how you can support survivors and how you can do your part to protect girls and women from violence and sexual abuse. 

Learn more about past UWLP events here

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