May 2022 Newsletter


I have a number of Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) announcements for May:

First, we have a number of reports we are releasing. We are pleased to announce the release of a new research snapshot titled “The Status of Utah Asian Women” (with Dr. Jessica C. Hill and Marin Christensen), along with one we released a few weeks ago titled “The Status of Utah Pacific Islander Women.” Both snapshots are part of a 5-part series focused on Utah women of color. See acknowledgements for the many other people who advised, reviewed, and assisted with these reports. In addition, we have two new “What Can I Do?” idea sheets based on think tank gatherings that have ideas about how individuals, groups, and organizations can support and empower girls and women in specific areas of Utah: Cache County and Uintah Basin.

Second, we have one last free event coming up (RSVP online): Building Emotional Resilience in Girls and Young Women (with authors Dr. Jennifer Doty & Jessica Peterson, May 26, Noon-1:15pm; Virtual). This is such an important topic!

Third, we have a number of new resources to highlight this month:

Fourth, the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP), in partnership with the Women’s Business Center of Utah, is conducting a study on women-owned businesses within Utah. We welcome all Utah women age 18 or older who own businesses to participate. The survey will take 20-30 minutes to complete. I (Dr. Susan Madsen) am the primary researcher for this study. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact me at (USU IRB 12635). You can participate by clicking at this link.

Fifth, I wanted to also highlight the “Learn & Work” program in the state available now. If you know women who are thinking about shifting careers, starting back to college, or anything in between, have them consider the tuition free programs/certificates listed on this page. There is a strong need for people who have these skills, so spread the word.

Sixth, here are some of our partners’ upcoming events:

 Finally, check out some key articles and media published this past month:

Join us on the UWLP social media platforms: LinkedInFacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube. See the community calendar as well. Email to let us know you want to receive these updates to your own inbox if you received a forwarded email.

Enjoy May!


Prof./Dr. Susan R. MadsenInaugural Karen Haight Huntsman Endowed Professor of LeadershipDirector, Utah Women & Leadership ProjectJon M. Huntsman School of BusinessUtah State University

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