3Play Media FAQs
Can I Cancel a Caption Request That Has Already Been Submitted to 3Play?
There is a limited window of time in which you can cancel a captioning job after it has been submitted. The cancel option is only available while the video is in the “pre-processing” stage which lasts roughly as long as the duration of the video. See 3Play’s instructions to Cancel a File from Uploading for additional steps.
It may be possible to cancel an order after the “pre-processing” stage for a fee of $.25 per minute if they have not worked on it yet. In this situation, contact 3Play directly using the Contact > Customer Support link within 3Play.
Can I Change the Notifications I Receive for 3Play Jobs?
Follow these steps to change specific notification settings for your account.
- Login to your 3Play Media account.
- Select the dropdown next to your email in the upper right corner of the 3Play home page and choose the option “Profile Settings”.
- Under the Profile Settings navigation on the left-hand side, select “Email Notifications”.
- Proceed to change your desired notification preferences for each category. Be sure to select “Save Changes” when finished.
Can 3Play Caption Any New Videos On My Channel Automatically?
Yes, we have worked with 3Play to create a process that will automatically caption new videos added to your channel. If you would like this feature, please contact us. Please tell us what channel the feature will be turned on for and the turnaround level you would like all the videos to be captioned with (typically extended).
Can I Order Captions in a Different Language?
If you need a video captioned/subtitled in another language, please contact us.