Bridge Program

The Bridge Program at Utah State University prepares students for entrance in a major through reviewing transcripts and making recommendations for utilizing Academic Record Adjustment or Academic Renewal, individualized academic advising that identifies specific courses and the grades needed to achieve the student's semester GPA goals, and referrals to university resources. The Bridge Program was developed to serve students who:

  • Students without the necessary GPA for matriculation into a major or to remain in their current major due to legitimate reasons such as life circumstances, family obligations, and/or employment requirements.
  • Students returning from Academic Probation, Academic Suspension, withdrawal, Leave of Absence, or inactivity and are seeking re-entry into their major.
  • Prospective students or students returning to college after a break but currently lack the minimum GPA requirements for entry into a college major.  
  • Current students who became ineligible for their program and are seeking readmission or major exploration.  

Declaring Your Major

To declare your major and graudate from the Exploratory Advising Bridge Program, students must meet the entry requirements for their intended major and meet with the major advisor to declare their major. To find the requirements for your intended major, explore Degree Finder. To find the advisor of your intended major, use the Find My Advisor Tool.

Student Expectations
Attend an initial advising appointment to co-design a success plan for the semester.  You and your advisor will work together to identify courses and minimum grades required to meet your GPA goals.

Advisors will explain eligibility for the Academic Record Adjustment and Academic Renewal policies.  Advisors answer any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.

Schedule and attend an Advising Appointment with your Bridge advisor each semester.

Students will earn a 2.0 Term GPA each semester while in the Bridge Program.

Advisor Expectations
Provide accurate information, related to curriculum, graduation requirements, and university policies and procedures.

Create semester-by-semester graduation plan in Degree Works and monitor student's progress toward their declared major.

Provide information and strategies to utilize available campus resources and services.

Are you a new student?


Meet with an Academic Advisor

Academic advisors work with students to develop a semester-by-semester Academic Recovery Plan to be ready to declare a major. You can download the Academic Recovery Plan Template to learn more or schedule an appointment below.

Shelly  Kotynek

Shelly Kotynek

Interim Executive Director

Bridge Program - Logan and out-of-state (Last names A-C)

Phone: 435-797-9853
Office Location: TSC 302
Schedule an Appointment
Melissa Thomas

Melissa Thomas

Academic Advisor

Bridge Program, Statewide

Phone: (435) 919-1262
Schedule an Appointment
Alex Ziegler

Alex Ziegler

Academic Advisor

Integrated Studies, Bridge Program - Logan and out-of-state (Last names D-Z)

Phone: (435) 797-8320
Schedule an Appointment


Utilize Academic Record Adjustment or Academic Renewal

Academic Record Adjustment - The record adjustment provides the opportunity for you to petition for changes to your academic transcript (credit adjustment, course addition, withdrawal with "W" notation, etc.). A “W” (withdrawal notification) is a registration status and is not calculated into your GPA.

The request for refund allows you to petition for a refund of tuition and fees or for a forgiveness of debt owed outside of normal refund deadlines.

Petitions are only reviewed if a student:

  • Demonstrates extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control
  • Demonstrates the extenuating circumstance occurred during the semester for which the student is petitioning.
  • Includes all supporting documentation in the petition

Academic Renewal - Undergraduate students who have been admitted to Utah State University after an interruption in their collegiate education of at least one year may petition to have certain credits that are older than five years removed from the calculation of the GPA and credits earned. The renewal procedure allows the student’s academic records to be reviewed for the purpose of eliminating from grade point average computation all grades of D+ or below that were entered on the academic transcript five or more calendar years prior to the request. However, upon request, selected grades of D+ or below may remain on the student’s record. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and online. A $25 processing fee will be assessed.  


Utilize key university resources

Academic Planning

  • Follow the plan created by you and your academic advisor. Course recommendations can be found in Degree Works.
  • Enroll in a Math Course your first semester which corresponds to the score you received from the ALEKS Preparation Placement Exam.
  • Meet with the advisor of your intended major to co-develop a Degree Works Plan identifying required courses for your desired major.
  • Explore with your advisor the degree requirements and benefits of applying for the Associate of Science/Art in General Studies Degree.

Academic Recovery 

  • Petition for Academic Record Adjustment (ARA)
  • Petition for Academic Renewal after earning a 2.5 GPA in 12 credits.
  • Repeat Courses
  • Register for pre-major courses
  • Maintain a determined semester/USU/Overall GPA 

Academic Support

Major & Career Exploration

  • Utilize the major/career exploration tools found on the Exploratory Advising website to identify a minimum of three (3) majors of interest.
  • Register for USU 1400: Exploring Majors & Careers.
  • Advance your major and career exploration by completing the Focus2 Assessment and scheduling an appointment with a Career Coach from Career Services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Academic Recovery Plan?

The Academic Recovery Plan (ARP) is intended to develop a pathway toward students improving their GPA in order to be in Good Standing and enter into a major at Utah State University.

When can I declare my Major?

Students must meet the entry requirements for their intended major and meet with the major advisor to declare their major. Strategies to meet the entry requirements can be co-designed with your Bridge Program Advisor.

What is Academic Renewal?

Undergraduate students who have been admitted to Utah State University after an interruption in their collegiate education of at least one year may petition to have certain credits that are older than five years removed from the calculation of the GPA and credits earned. The renewal procedure allows the student’s academic records to be reviewed for the purpose of eliminating from grade point average computation all grades of D+ or below that were entered on the academic transcript five or more calendar years prior to the request, including transfer credit on the USU transcript. However, upon request, selected grades of D+ or below may remain on the student’s record. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and online. A $25 processing fee will be assessed.

What is an Academic Record Adjustment?

The record adjustment provides the opportunity for you to petition for changes to your academic transcript (credit adjustment, course addition, withdrawal with "W" notation, etc.). A “W” (withdrawal notification) is a registration status and is not calculated into your GPA.

The request for refund allows you to petition for a refund of tuition and fees or for a forgiveness of debt owed outside of normal refund deadlines.

Petitions are only reviewed if a student:

  • Demonstrates extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control
  • Demonstrates the extenuating circumstance occurred during the semester for which the student is petitioning
  • Includes all supporting documentation in the petition

It's been a long time since I was Last in School, Where do I start?

How exciting that you are thinking of returning to complete your degree! Your first step is to meet with a Bridge Program advisor. We will be able to answer your questions where you were when you left off, how to apply to USU, and discuss major options that best meet your career goals.

I was Suspended from USU and I want to come back, Where do I start?

Your first step is to schedule an appointment with a Bridge Program advisor to discuss your specific situation and plan out your next steps to get started again. Students who are placed on semester GPA warning, academic warning, or academic probation should immediately seek assistance in academic improvement from such sources as academic advisors, instructors, and the Academic Success Programs.

I had a Change In Standing, What do I do Now?

Students with a semester or USU GPA below 2.0 have a change in standing in accordance with USU’s Academic Standing Policy. Students who are placed on semester GPA warning, academic warning, or academic probation should immediately seek assistance in academic improvement from such sources as academic advisors, instructors, and the Academic Success Programs.

Students can experience academic distress for a variety of reasons, and no matter where students are in their journey, we intend to support all our students with campus and community resources. Students experiencing academic distress can often be left feeling frustrated, confused, angry, and isolated. But know that you are not alone. At USU, we know that students experiencing academic distress can benefit from campus and community support.