Team Newsletters

Bingham Research
Summer 2024 Bingham Center Newsletter
Bingham Research
The newsletter provides a preview to the upcoming annual report and a less formal look at our teams' goings-on.
Spring 2022 newsletter

Spring 2022 newsletter

The newsletter provides a preview to the upcoming annual report and a less formal look at our teams' goings-on.

Bingham Research
In this issue, we give a brief report of ozone in the Uinta Basin during the past winter and discuss a few ongoing projects, including measurement of emissions from engines, recent modeling work, and thoughts on NOx versus VOC control of winter ozone. An
Spring 2021 Newsletter

Spring 2021 Newsletter

In this issue, we give a brief report of ozone in the Uinta Basin during the past winter and discuss a few ongoing projects, including measurement of emissions from engines, recent modeling work, and thoughts on NOx versus VOC control of winter ozone. An...

Bingham Research
In this issue, we share news about changes in winter ozone that have occurred over the past few years, provide updates about how we are improving photochemical models, and show a comparison of methane concentrations during winters 2019 and 2020.
Summer 2020 Newsletter

Summer 2020 Newsletter

In this issue, we share news about changes in winter ozone that have occurred over the past few years, provide updates about how we are improving photochemical models, and show a comparison of methane concentrations during winters 2019 and 2020.

Bingham Research
Learn about the research being conducted by our team at The Bingham Research Center.
Spring 2020 Newsletter

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Learn about the research being conducted by our team at The Bingham Research Center.