Interfolio: Typical Case Review Process

Decision Years (3rd Year Review, Tenure, and Promotion)

  1. The College Dossier Administrator (CDA) creates the case: The CDA creates a case for each faculty member in the college who is going up for review, tenure, and/or promotion.

    • The CDA adds members to the appropriate committees for each step the case will pass through.

  2. The CDA notifies the candidate: The CDA notifies the candidate that the case is ready, at which point the candidate can see the case and begin adding files to it.

    • The candidate uploads and organizes files to the appropriate section of the case. Neither the CDA, institutional admin, nor committee members can see anything the candidate adds at this point until the candidate submits the case.
    • Where external peer evaluations are required, the CDA will later upload evaluations received into the external evaluations section. This section is visible only to admins and committee members.

  3. The Candidate submits materials. It goes to the Advisory Committee Step: When ready, the candidate submits the case for review using the Submit button. This sends the case to the Advisory Committee step, which gives members of the advisory committee permission to view the case. Note that the CDA can unlock a section for a candidate after it has been submitted if an issue arises.

    • The Advisory Committee reviews the case online and provides the CDA with a recommendation letter and the committee members’ votes.
    • The CDA adds the votes and recommendation letters to the case. The committee chair verifies this was done correctly.

  4. The CDA forwards the case to the Department Head (Or Regional Director) Step: The CDA forwards the case to the next step, in which the department head or regional director has permission to review the case materials.

    • The department head or regional director provides the CDA with a vote and recommendation letter, which the CDA adds to the case. The department head/regional director verifies this was done correctly.

  5. CDA forwards the case to the Dean (or Vice President) Step: The CDA forwards the case to the next step, in which the dean or vice president has permission to view the case materials.

    • The dean or vice president provides the CDA with a vote and recommendation letter, which the CDA adds to the case. The dean/vice president verifies this was done correctly.

  6. CDA forwards the case to the Central Committee (or Provost) Step: The CDA forwards the case to the next step, in which the central committee (for tenure/promotion cases) and/or Provost (for third-year cases) has permission to review the case materials.

    • Central committee members and/or Provost access and review the case online and forward their recommendation.

  7. Institutional admin closes the case: Once the central committee’s work is done and candidates have been notified of the decision on their case, the institutional admin forwards the case to the closed step and then closes the case.

Case Management for Non-Decision Years

A candidate or department may wish to use an Interfolio case in non-decision years of the candidate’s review cycle as a means of sharing materials with an advisory committee or department head/regional director. It is up to the college as to whether this is allowed. When this is done, a separate case is set up with only a single step, to which the advisory committe and department head are added as reviewers.

  1. First, the CDA creates the case and notifies the candidate: The CDA creates a case for the candidate using one of the templates for non-decision years.

  2. Then, the candidate adds files and submits. The candidate uploads and organizes files to the appropriate section of the case. Neither the CDA, institutional admin, nor committee members can see anything the candidate adds at this point until the candidate submits the case.

  3. The committee reviews the files and provide guidance to the candidate.

  4. The committee and department head submit annual review letters to the CDA and the CDA uploads to the letters to the candidate's case.

  5. The CDA unlocks the case and the candidate makes edits. With committee recommendations in-hand, the candidate implements those recommendations.
The standard practice is currently for candidates to build a separate case for decision years (third-year, tenure, and promotion years). Candidates can reuse content entered into non-decision-year cases. 

Help Resources

The guides on this page are supplemented by additional help resources, including the following: