Report a Sexual Assault
All crimes on the Logan campus may be reported in the following ways:
- In person at 1250 North 800 East | USU campus map
- By calling 435-797-1939
Police and Advocate Response
A specialized unit that includes a confidential SAAVI advocate and a dedicated law enforcement detective respond to reported incidents of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. The advocate can offer assistance with filing protective orders, sexual violence protective orders, and dating violence protective orders.
Individuals may also choose to work with a community advocate. See the resource guide below for more information.
USU Victim Resource Guide
USU offers a resource guide to help victims of sexual violence navigate their options.
Investigative Process
Victim Interview
If a report comes in soon after a sexual assault occurs, USU Police will perform an initial interview, talk about preserving evidence, and encourage the victim to get a sexual assault forensic exam at Cache Valley Hospital. The victim is also provided with information about resources to help them both on and off campus.
Crimes of sexual violence are particularly traumatizing, and a police investigation can be a difficult process. USU Police have a SAAVI victim advocate embedded in the department to offer emotional support and help victims navigate the process and connect with support services and resources.
Best practices now call for waiting approximately two sleep cycles before conducting a more in-depth interview with the victim. Victims likely remember more about the event once they have had time to process the trauma, and this interview often reveals more leads.
Victim Preferences
More than 90% of sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone the victims knows, including a friend, dating partner, or even a spouse. A victim may feel confused when someone they know violates their trust. They may feel unsure about proceeding with a police investigation, and this can result in a delay between when an assault occurs and when it is reported.
We encourage victims to reach out to USU Police as soon as possible after an assault even if they are not sure that they want to pursue an investigation and potential charges. When reports are delayed, police may not have enough information or evidence to move an investigation forward. Police respond to the preferences of victims, and it is OK for a victim to change their mind about pursuing charges. Whatever a victim decides, USU will ensure victim confidentiality throughout all steps of the investigative process for any sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking crime.
Preservation of Evidence
For a sexual assault forensic exam in Logan, victims should go directly to Cache Valley Hospital to see a certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. In order to preserve evidence, the following activities should be avoided: bathing or showering, using the restroom, changing clothes, combing hair, or cleaning up. When a sexual assault forensic exam is performed, certain information must be given to police according to Utah law, but the victim is not required to pursue an investigation. Sexual assault forensic exams are free, but the cost of treating injuries may be charged to the patient. The victim advocate can review costs with you.
Cache Valley Hospital: 435-719-9700 | 2380 North 400 East, North Logan
Title IX and Supportive Measures
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 requires campus police to forward all reports of sexual assault involving USU students, staff, or faculty to the university Title IX Coordinator. USU’s Title IX Coordinator reaches out to victims in order to ascertain their reporting preferences and offer support services and accommodations.
USU Police Policies and Procedures
University police follow USU Police Policy 601 on Sexual Assault Investigations. Investigators receive training on the current best practices for investigations of sexual assault and relationship violence.