Just-In-Time Teaching (JiTT)

The purpose of this technique is to get students to engage with the material and provide feedback on student thinking. JiTT will help faculty to identify their students’ strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles to maximize the efficacy of the classroom session.

JiTT helps to emphasize cooperative and active learning. 


Below lists the steps you can take to implement this teaching strategy into your course.

  1. Post a conceptual question(s) that addresses a topic of interest in a Canvas assignment. Ideally, this question should have potential multiple correct answers.  
  2. Assign a due date sometime before class to give you time to review the student responses before class. 
  3. Choose students’ responses that represent different viewpoints, correct or incorrect reasoning to use as the basis for discussion in class.  
  4. During class highlight important elements, reinforce correct information, and clarify incorrect reasoning.
