Campus Life

Get Ready for Winter Snow on the USU Campus

With winter approaching, Utah State University Facilities and Parking and Transportation are reminding faculty, staff and students of university snow removal guidelines and safety precautions.

Snow Removal at Building Entrances and Sidewalks:

Facilities personnel will begin clearing sidewalks and entryways when snow accumulations reach a half inch or more. If a snow storm occurs during the night, crews will be mobilized no later than 6 a.m. on normal university business days. Facilities crews will remove snow until there are clear paths throughout campus. 

During a heavy snow storm, Facilities personnel will make every effort to clear and maintain at least one entrance to each building. Where possible, Facilities will clear an entrance that is handicap accessible. Keep in mind; this may not be your usual entrance. Facilities will remove snow from the remaining sidewalks and entrances as the storm permits and until all building entrances and major sidewalks are clear of snow.

Snow Removal in Parking Lots:

Parking lots are cleared when there are 2 1/2-inches of snow or more on the lots. When this occurs during the evening, parking lot crews are mobilized at midnight and remain plowing until about 7 a.m. when the lots begin to fill with vehicles. Magnesium chloride is applied to the travel lanes and roadways to prevent ice from forming.

If there is an early morning storm, 3 a.m. or later, as appropriate, crews begin clearing as soon as possible. That means on early morning storms, the primary walks, roads and parking lots will not be cleared as quickly due to the time and number of pedestrians and motorists using the walks, roads and lots.

Safety Precautions:

Safe access for pedestrians and motorists is the greatest concern during snow removal.

Students, faculty and staff should be aware of equipment as they walk and drive around campus. Sidewalk crews will pull to the side and stop work during class break times to protect pedestrians on the walks. During other times they will be moving slowly as the walks are cleared.

The campus community can help with safety and snow removal by watching for equipment and stepping to one side to allow for more efficient operations.

There may be icy or slick spots during and after a storm. If you find such a spot, call Facilities Customer Service at 797-1947 and report its location for crews to respond.

Students, faculty and staff should remember they are to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves when on campus. Be careful when entering and exiting vehicles and buildings, and drive and walk carefully when conditions warrant it.

Contact: James Nye, Director of USU Parking and Transportation Services, 435-797-3475,

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