Campus Life

Take a study Break and Enjoy 'Presidential Pancakes' Dec. 9

The Living Learning Community — LLC — a 500-bed residence hall located on campus, will host an activity that features a special guest, Utah State University President Stan Albrecht, who will serve pancakes to students in a late night, finals week study break Monday, Dec 9.

Joining President Albrecht will be USUSA President Doug Fiefia in the activity that supports Resident Life’s Theme Housing Program. The presidents will offer up the comfort food from 9-11 p.m. Cost for the study break fundraiser is $3 for all you can eat pancakes.

According to Timothy Ledna, resident director of the LLC, Theme Housing is all about student success, retention and creating communities with shared interests.

“Specific floors in our residence halls are linked to different ‘themes,’” he said. “Most themes are supported by a sponsoring department from the USU campus.”

All theme areas are served by a professional staff person as well as student staff members. The Living Learning Community has several of these special theme floors that are optional and open to any student. Theme areas include Honors House, Leadership House, InterFaith House, Club Suites, Returning Resident Suites, EcoHouse and Study Intensive Suites. The small, interactive groups provide residents unique opportunities to explore particular themes and live nearer to peers with similar interests, Ledna said. Themes with enough residents are served and supported by both a resident assistant and a peer mentor.

Peer Mentors are specialized student staff members who do fewer hall programs than RAs, Ledna said. They complete more one-to-one conversations with residents.

“In general, residents who live in on-campus housing have a higher GPA than those who do not” Ledna said. “In addition, those who live in Theme Housing areas are generally more involved in their education and have higher levels of success than other students.

“Theme Housing adds value to the Utah State campus. Please support us.”

Contact: Timothy Ledna, residence director, Living Learning Community, (435) 797-6811,

USU Living Learn Community pancake flyer

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