Teaching & Learning

New Spring ETE Journal Issue Released

By Marcus Jensen |

The Utah State University Office of Empowering Teaching Excellence (ETE) has released its spring 2021 issue of the Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence (JETE). The issue is volume five of the journal and is available for immediate download.

“The intent of this journal is to benefit faculty and instructional professionals who teach by providing a place where they can share their ideas, practices, and research around teaching,” said Editor in Chief Kim Hales. “The articles in this issue are unified in offering valuable insight and actionable ideas about how to engage students in their own learning.”

The JETE is a publication by ETE and the Center for Innovative Design and Instruction at USU. The intent of this journal is to benefit faculty and instructional professionals who teach by providing a place where they can share their ideas, practices and research around teaching. The intended audience includes faculty and professionals at all institutions who teach, develop instruction and conduct research related to teaching in higher education.

“Instructors can implement these strategies across many content areas and delivery methods,” said Assistant Editor Jason Olsen. “The intended audience includes faculty and professionals at all institutions who teach, develop instruction, and conduct research related to teaching in higher education.”

The articles in this journal’s issue include:

  • The Value of Instructor Interactivity in the Online Classroom
  • Understanding the Adolescent Developing Reader
  • How Midpoint Course Adjustments Influence Student Engagement
  • Taking into Account Interpersonal Aspects of Teacher Feedback: Principles of Responding to Student Writing
  • Religious, secular, and spiritual diversity on campus: Book Review

Tenure and non-tenure track faculty who teach, instructional designers, librarians, graduate teaching assistants, graduate instructors and other instructional professionals are all encouraged to submit articles for future issues of the journal. Topics include:

  • student engagement
  • teaching and learning evaluation
  • instructional design strategies
  • content, resources and tools
  • technology implementation reviews
  • teaching book reviews

The JETE is a bi-annual publication released near late March and Late October of each year. Submissions of articles and multimedia are accepted. Material that is up-to-date, proven and implement in today’s teaching environments are especially valued. Faculty interested in submitting an article may visit digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/submit.cgi?context=jete.


Marcus Jensen
News Coordinator
University Marketing and Communications


Travis Thurston
Director of Teaching Excellence
Center for Empowering Teaching Excellence

Tana Haag
Marketing Specialist
Office of Empowering Teaching Excellence

Comments and questions regarding this article may be directed to the contact person listed on this page.

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