Campus Life

USU Ramps Up Efforts to Communicate with Parents of Students

By Marcus Jensen |

Utah State University has launched a new platform, the Aggie Parent and Family Network, designed to deliver announcements and newsletter content to parents of current and prospective USU students. The software, called CampusESP, delivers information that is broadly applicable to parents of all current or prospective USU students. Several offices on campus have already provided USU-specific content related to their program for the website.

“Parents are important partners, and they play a huge role in the success of their students now more than ever,” said Isaiah Jones, program coordinator for Parent and Transition Programs. “Offices around campus have been very enthusiastic, and their contributions have helped numerous parents gain more information about the university and how they can specifically help their student be successful. I appreciate the collaboration of campus partners and look forward to working with many more.”

Parents of USU students or prospective students can use the website similarly to a newsfeed. Parents who sign up for the Parent and Family Network receive twice-monthly digests of the content in their feed and can customize the information they see and the frequency in which they receive emails from the system. The system is also used to send general announcements and provide semester dates and deadlines.

The Aggie Parent and Family Network is a part of the university’s efforts to inform parents and guardians of USU students. The Student Orientation and Transition Services office also provides programs such as Parent Orientation, Parent and Family Weekend, as well as providing a Parent Handbook and creating episodes of the Aggie Parent and Family Podcast. Parents with questions or concerns can set up individual appointments with Isaiah Jones, the Program Coordinator for Parent and Transition Programs.

Offices interested in writing brief articles that are broadly applicable to all parents of current or perspective students can reach out to Isaiah Jones for details.

For parents looking to sign up for the Aggie Parent and Family Network, visit Parents can also find USU specific information at


Marcus Jensen
News Coordinator
University Marketing and Communications


Isaiah Jones
Senior Director
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
(435) 797-3116


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