Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research

Spring 2021
Increasing concentrations of the antagonist, L-368,899 increasingly inhibits binding of OXTR and AVPR1a radioligands. L-368,899 is more selective for oxytocin receptors than vasopressin 1a receptors.
Pharmacological Characterization of the Oxytocin Receptor Antagonist L-368,899 for Coyote Receptors

Pharmacological Characterization of the Oxytocin Receptor Antagonist L-368,899 for Coyote Receptors

Increasing concentrations of the antagonist, L-368,899 increasingly inhibits binding of OXTR and AVPR1a radioligands. L-368,899 is more selective for oxytocin receptors than vasopressin 1a receptors.

Spring 2021
From these results, we concur that differential counterstaining is an effective method for determining neuroanatomical landmarks.
Establishment of Coyote Brian Atlas Counterstaining Techniques in Candid Brain

Establishment of Coyote Brian Atlas Counterstaining Techniques in Candid Brain

From these results, we concur that differential counterstaining is an effective method for determining neuroanatomical landmarks.

Spring 2021
In this study we found high densities of OXTRs in many areas that are involved in the olfactory pathway, including the olfactory bulbs, olfactory tubercles, and the piriform cortex. Coyotes, like all canids, are scent marking species and use odor for
Exploring Canid Monogamy: Characterization of the Distribution of Oxytocin Receptors in the Brain of the Coyote (Canis latrans)

Exploring Canid Monogamy: Characterization of the Distribution of Oxytocin Receptors in the Brain of the Coyote (Canis latrans)

In this study we found high densities of OXTRs in many areas that are involved in the olfactory pathway, including the olfactory bulbs, olfactory tubercles, and the piriform cortex. Coyotes, like all canids, are scent marking species and use odor for

Spring 2021
The purpose of this study is to isolate halotolerant bacteria from native plants that survive in harsh conditions. After isolation, purification, and identification, these microbes will be tested on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana...
Isolation of Halotolerant Bacteria from the Rhizosphere of Ceanothus velutinus

Isolation of Halotolerant Bacteria from the Rhizosphere of Ceanothus velutinus

The purpose of this study is to isolate halotolerant bacteria from native plants that survive in harsh conditions. After isolation, purification, and identification, these microbes will be tested on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana...

Spring 2021
This variation could be important in the traits determining seed dispersal dynamics. This gives us more reason to explore the secondary metabolites in the pulp and see how it influences the digestion dynamics.
Seed Morphology Variation in a Hyperdiverse Tropical Plant Genus

Seed Morphology Variation in a Hyperdiverse Tropical Plant Genus

This variation could be important in the traits determining seed dispersal dynamics. This gives us more reason to explore the secondary metabolites in the pulp and see how it influences the digestion dynamics.

Spring 2021
Presently, it has been determined that ligand #2 and ligand #3 are only slightly effective at lowering cAMP concentrations. These two ligands are actually less effective at modifying cAMP concentrations than the unmodified ligand, MS0015203.
Discerning the Efficacy of Potential Non-Opioid Pain Drugs Using cAMP Analysis

Discerning the Efficacy of Potential Non-Opioid Pain Drugs Using cAMP Analysis

Presently, it has been determined that ligand #2 and ligand #3 are only slightly effective at lowering cAMP concentrations. These two ligands are actually less effective at modifying cAMP concentrations than the unmodified ligand, MS0015203.

Spring 2021
All concentrations of Compound X showed significant improvement in hamster mortality, weight change, ALT levels, and viremia as compared with placebo in the treatment of YFV.
Treatment of Yellow Fever Virus With a Guanosine Analog, Compound X, in a Hamster Model

Treatment of Yellow Fever Virus With a Guanosine Analog, Compound X, in a Hamster Model

All concentrations of Compound X showed significant improvement in hamster mortality, weight change, ALT levels, and viremia as compared with placebo in the treatment of YFV.

Spring 2021
We observed AVPR1a binding in two regions that have been previously shown to express these receptors in other social animals: the Diagonal Band (4A) and the Lateral Striatum (4C).
Distribution of Vasopressin 1a Receptor Binding in the Brain of Coyotes (Canis latrans)

Distribution of Vasopressin 1a Receptor Binding in the Brain of Coyotes (Canis latrans)

We observed AVPR1a binding in two regions that have been previously shown to express these receptors in other social animals: the Diagonal Band (4A) and the Lateral Striatum (4C).

Spring 2021
A proposed strategy to reduce fall risk involves enhancing visual contrast of the stairs’ edge and face.
Secondary Effects of Stair Striping on Stair Negotiation

Secondary Effects of Stair Striping on Stair Negotiation

A proposed strategy to reduce fall risk involves enhancing visual contrast of the stairs’ edge and face.

Spring 2021
Being a lab technician doesn’t always mean we sit at the microscope the whole time.
Lab Technician National Aquatic Monitoring Center

Lab Technician National Aquatic Monitoring Center

Being a lab technician doesn’t always mean we sit at the microscope the whole time.

Spring 2021
Because our data shows that L-368,899 has a 4.3x higher affinity to AVPR1a than to OXTR, we do not recommend using L-368,899 as an antagonist for OXTR-related experiments. We recommend the continued use of ALS- III-61 for such experiments due to its hi
Comparing L-368,899 and ALS-III-61 as Human-Selective Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists

Comparing L-368,899 and ALS-III-61 as Human-Selective Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists

Because our data shows that L-368,899 has a 4.3x higher affinity to AVPR1a than to OXTR, we do not recommend using L-368,899 as an antagonist for OXTR-related experiments. We recommend the continued use of ALS- III-61 for such experiments due to its hi

Spring 2021
It is known that leaves contain high levels of secondary metabolites, but it is interesting how significant of a role the ripening of pulp plays in secondary metabolite mass.
Comparing Secondary Metabolite Content of Fruits and Leaves in a Tropical Forest

Comparing Secondary Metabolite Content of Fruits and Leaves in a Tropical Forest

It is known that leaves contain high levels of secondary metabolites, but it is interesting how significant of a role the ripening of pulp plays in secondary metabolite mass.

Spring 2021
Overall, I did not achieve my goal of developing a Remdesivir resistant stock of Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus 2. The EC50 of my first three passages climbed steadily but on the fourth passage the EC50 dropped down to below the original stock. The
Study of In Vitro Remdesivir Resistance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Covid-19)

Study of In Vitro Remdesivir Resistance for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Covid-19)

Overall, I did not achieve my goal of developing a Remdesivir resistant stock of Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus 2. The EC50 of my first three passages climbed steadily but on the fourth passage the EC50 dropped down to below the original stock. The ...

Spring 2021
Utah State University's Department of Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium Program.
Symposium Program | Biology

Symposium Program

Utah State University's Department of Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium Program.

Spring 2021
Given our preliminary finding that the east side of the building has produced 70% of the fatal collisions up to this point, we predict that this will be where mitigation efforts will be needed.
Bird-Window Collision Mitigation at USU’s C&SS Building, Brigham City, Utah

Bird-Window Collision Mitigation at USU’s C&SS Building, Brigham City, Utah

Given our preliminary finding that the east side of the building has produced 70% of the fatal collisions up to this point, we predict that this will be where mitigation efforts will be needed.

Spring 2021
A larger sample size is needed to detect greater sensitivity for the variables to sex.
Sensitivity and Specificity of Sex for Detecting Differences in the Kinetics of Depth Jumps Performed by NCAA Athletes

Sensitivity and Specificity of Sex for Detecting Differences in the Kinetics of Depth Jumps Performed by NCAA Athletes

A larger sample size is needed to detect greater sensitivity for the variables to sex.

Spring 2021
The Utah Department of Health (UDOH) Newborn Screening (NBS) program is a public health program administered under Utah Statute 26‐10‐6 that aims to give all babies born in Utah the best chance at lifelong health.
Utah Department of Health Newborn Screening

Utah Department of Health Newborn Screening

The Utah Department of Health (UDOH) Newborn Screening (NBS) program is a public health program administered under Utah Statute 26‐10‐6 that aims to give all babies born in Utah the best chance at lifelong health.

Spring 2021
Advanced EMT internship involved treatment of any medical emergency. The most common incidents I saw were motor vehicle accidents, and emergencies of cardiac, respiratory, and diabetic origin.
Internship with Smithfield Fire and EMS

Internship with Smithfield Fire and EMS

Advanced EMT internship involved treatment of any medical emergency. The most common incidents I saw were motor vehicle accidents, and emergencies of cardiac, respiratory, and diabetic origin.

Spring 2021
We found that, even though a greater number of juvenile birds fatally collided with the windows of the C&SS Bldg., there was no significant association between age group and fatal collisions according to a goodness of fit test.
Fatal Bird-Window Collisions

Fatal Bird-Window Collisions

We found that, even though a greater number of juvenile birds fatally collided with the windows of the C&SS Bldg., there was no significant association between age group and fatal collisions according to a goodness of fit test.

Spring 2021
The uses for the hagworm silk are numerous, including medical equipment, military uses, and clothing. All TK’s from the hagworms have proved more durable or equal to that of the fibers from the control silkworms, but also larger in diameter and elastic
Hagworm Silk Synthesis and Strength

Hagworm Silk Synthesis and Strength

The uses for the hagworm silk are numerous, including medical equipment, military uses, and clothing. All TK’s from the hagworms have proved more durable or equal to that of the fibers from the control silkworms, but also larger in diameter and elastic

Spring 2021
Currently, we do not have a full year of data to analyze, so we are unable to draw conclusions based on the seasonal effects of bird-window collisions. A full year of data also prevents us from drawing conclusions regarding how weather patterns affect bir
Weather Patterns and Seasonal Effects on Bird-Window Collisions at USU's C&SS Building, Brigham City, Utah

Weather Patterns and Seasonal Effects on Bird-Window Collisions at USU's C&SS Building, Brigham City, Utah

Currently, we do not have a full year of data to analyze, so we are unable to draw conclusions based on the seasonal effects of bird-window collisions. A full year of data also prevents us from drawing conclusions regarding how weather patterns affect bir...

Spring 2021
Now that we are confident that this behavior (and morphology) is convergent, we can look more closely at these groups to better determine which specific adaptations are tied to trapdoor spider hunting (example morphology in figs 8, 9).
The Art of Home Invasion Morphology and Behavior in Ctenocerinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)

The Art of Home Invasion Morphology and Behavior in Ctenocerinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)

Now that we are confident that this behavior (and morphology) is convergent, we can look more closely at these groups to better determine which specific adaptations are tied to trapdoor spider hunting (example morphology in figs 8, 9).

Spring 2021
In the years of 2017-2020, the amount of fatal bird-window collisions on the C&SS building did not fall outside the expected number of collisions per month for a low- rise non-residential building.
Analyzing Fatal Bird-Window Collisions Occurring on USU’s C&SS Building, Brigham City, Utah

Analyzing Fatal Bird-Window Collisions Occurring on USU’s C&SS Building, Brigham City, Utah

In the years of 2017-2020, the amount of fatal bird-window collisions on the C&SS building did not fall outside the expected number of collisions per month for a low- rise non-residential building.

Spring 2021
We showed that it is possible to measure metabolic rate using a simplistic metabolic chamber.
Immune Response in Solitary / Social Bees

Immune Response in Solitary / Social Bees

We showed that it is possible to measure metabolic rate using a simplistic metabolic chamber.

Spring 2021
Continued passaging of the virus will likely not result in a lethal model. Infection of an earlier passage that presented with lethality has a better opportunity of developing 100% lethality.
Development of a Lethal Rodent Model of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection for Preclinical Antiviral Drug Testing

Development of a Lethal Rodent Model of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection for Preclinical Antiviral Drug Testing

Continued passaging of the virus will likely not result in a lethal model. Infection of an earlier passage that presented with lethality has a better opportunity of developing 100% lethality.

Spring 2021
The growing neuroscience program at Utah State University reflects the rapidly developing advancements in the neurobiology industry.
Patch Clamps, Electrophysiology, and the Optimistic Future of Neuroscience at USU

Patch Clamps, Electrophysiology, and the Optimistic Future of Neuroscience at USU

The growing neuroscience program at Utah State University reflects the rapidly developing advancements in the neurobiology industry.

Spring 2021
Being able to spend my internship at Utah Digestive Health Institute will have a lasting impact on my future. As a pre‐medical student, I have been gaining the experience necessary to hopefully make a difference in healthcare in the future.
Utah Digestive Health Institute at Tanner Clinic: Internship

Utah Digestive Health Institute at Tanner Clinic: Internship

Being able to spend my internship at Utah Digestive Health Institute will have a lasting impact on my future. As a pre‐medical student, I have been gaining the experience necessary to hopefully make a difference in healthcare in the future.