ETE Vision & Mission


The Center for Empowering Teaching Excellence (ETE) is essential in developing our culture of teaching excellence across the USU Statewide system. ETE facilitates collaboration and scholarship between instructors from all disciplines, role statements, and campuses. The overarching goal of ETE events, programs, and publications are to provide an architecture of engagement that provides the needed supports, and empowers the agency of all stakeholders in our community.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Center for Empowering Teaching Excellence (ETE) is to elevate and promote a culture of teaching excellence that leads to success for all stakeholders. To accomplish this mission, ETE provides events, programs, and publications that:

  • Engage USU instructors in ongoing evidence-based professional development and foster more accessible learning environments
  • Encourage reflective pedagogical practices and documentation of teaching excellence
  • Support instructors in developing student-centered approaches to teaching and cultivating partnerships with Student Collaborators on Teaching (SCOTs)
  • Connect all stakeholders to university units in collaborating in the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices
  • Provide mechanisms for feedback loops on teaching practices including peer evaluation from colleagues and consultations with (SCOTs)
  • Cultivate access for stakeholders to engage in inquiry projects and contribute to current scholarship on teaching and learning