

Programs are a key component in the architecture of engagement, supporting the implementation of teaching practices and contributing back to the teaching excellence community. Those who participate in the Center for Empowering Teaching Excellence (ETE) programs collaborate with students, instructors, and other teaching and learning professionals within a structured format to examine current teaching practices and be guided how to improve teaching. ETE programs include Peer Evaluation, Student Collaborators on Teaching, Teaching Excellence Scholar Awards, and our umbrella program ETE Professional Development Pathways.

Professional Development




The Pathways program is designed to promote continued instructor development through workshops, learning circles, conferences, and one-on-one consultations, etc. Participants earn digital badges, or microcredentials, designed in a three-tiered framework based on documentation of teaching excellence activities, and can earn culminating certificates. These certificates can be used as evidence of one's teaching improvement and dedication to student success.

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Certificates are awarded to instructors who complete the ETE Professional Development Pathways. These culminating microcredentials come with a formal letter of recognition outlining the professional development completed and are formally presented at the ETE Conference in August.





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Peer Evaluation

Peer Evaluation of teaching provides instructors the opportunity to receive feedback on their current teaching practices from their colleagues. In addition to the benefits of creating connections with colleagues and learning from the observations you make, peer evaluations can  give practical implementation strategies to improve student success.

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Student Collaborators on Teaching

The Student Collaborators on Teaching (SCOTs) program is built around the understanding that students and instructors create learning and knowledge together. SCOTs are undergraduate teaching fellows who are trained by ETE. As undergraduate students, they are uniquely positioned to give feedback to instructors and garner feedback from peers on perceived strengths and weaknesses of instruction.

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Teaching Excellence Scholar Awards

The Teaching Excellence Scholars program provides a small award (up to $1500) to support 3-5 individuals with a teaching role at USU to engage in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Teaching Excellence Scholars are provided with funding for professional development and resources associated with conducting a SoTL project.


Upcoming Deadlines