Student Involvement & Leadership Assessment

Mission & Vision

We create opportunities for co-curricular involvement, student empowerment and leadership development.
Our vision is to create a campus culture where students are engaged and our community understands involvement outside of the classroom positively enhances their Utah State University experience.


In an effort to measure and improve our impact and fufil our mission and vision we measure several different outcomes. We look at our impact on student success through scholarships awarded, volunteer service, event engagement, student body election participation, academic and campus funding along with outside of the classroom education opportunities. 

You can find our annual reports via the links below. 


Student Fee Transparency

Working with the division’s financial officer and business services staff, the Student Fee Board Chair developed and instituted a more detailed and itemized Student Fee Budget Report, required for each student fee administrator to submit annually regardless of whether or not they are requesting a change to their fee. The report’s objective is to increase transparency of expenses related to student fees. Student fee reports can be found via the link below.

Foundational Documents

All staff in the Student Involvement and Leadership Center adhere to the ethical and professional guidelines and policies in the Utah State University Policy Manual and ethical code of conduct, as well as additional policies and procedures of the Division of Student Affairs, the USU Student Code of Conduct and the USUSA Constitution, Charters and Bylaws.

As a Student Affairs department, SILC also uses the professional competencies and standards of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). Professional staff in SILC have also adopted and adhere to the ethical standards of different organizations in their individual areas of expertise such as: