I want to…
Improve My Mental Health
USU’s Counseling and Prevention Services (CAPS) embraces a holistic approach to student development by removing psychological, emotional, and behavioral barriers to learning and success.
Support and Nourish My Body
USU offers health, wellness, and nutrition services that cover basic medical care and trainings to develop personal wellness.
Maintain My Physical Activity
Physical activity is a key component in living a whole lifestyle. USU has a variety of resources to find your fit.
Create Healthy Relationships
Everyone enters relationships with different ideas and perspectives. USU can help you learn how to create healthy relationships that will support your well-being.
Help Others in Distress
When a friend comes to you in distress, you have the opportunity to empathize and point them in the right direction. USU has resources for you and your friend in distress.
Educate Myself and Access Resources
Gain skills and tools to help yourself and others. USU has a network of resources and departments to help with prevention and training efforts on campus.
Report a Student of Concern
Are you worried about someone who might be struggling?
Anonymously let us know with this form.
Eight Dimensions of Wellness at USU
USU offers support, assistance, education, and prevention resources within the eight dimensions of wellness. Familiarize yourself with USU student resources so you can take advantage of the help anytime you want it or need it. The resources to the below are found within different USU departments and offices and help students increase their wellbeing. Community wellness services can be found on USU's basic needs resources page.

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness

By understanding and accepting your emotions, you’re able to more effectively manage stress, change and challenges for a healthier life. Learn more about some of the options available to you on-campus and off.

One of the most common stressors for college students is finances. Learn more about how to pay for college, and other ways to alleviate financial stress while going to school, so you can focus on your education and other needs.

Making connections and lifelong friendships is one of the best parts of college. Students who have friends and support systems are more likely to do better emotionally and academically. Learn more about how to make connections.

Many students find comfort and community through spirituality. It may look different to every student and doesn’t have to be religious. Learn more about how to serve the community and meet with others.

When you’re able to take pride in your work, whether a career or schoolwork, you’re often more motivated and successful. Learn more about how to balance work with play and choosing a career you’re passionate about.

Physical wellbeing is more than just working out occasionally — though we agree that’s a great form of stress relief! Learn more about how to care for your physical body through medical care and recreational activities.

By attending USU, you’ve already taken the first step. By exposing yourself to different ideologies and cultures, you learn more about yourself and others. Make the most of your experience through our study strategies.

By understanding your impact on your surroundings, you can develop a stewardship for the land and your community. Learn more about how to increase your wellbeing and that of the environment while living more sustainably.