Health & Wellness

USU's Science Unwrapped Explores 'Vaccine Fears' Friday, Jan. 22

By Mary-Ann Muffoletto |

Friday, Jan. 22, Science Unwrapped welcomes USU neurobiologist Thayne Sweeten, who presents 'Vaccine Fears.' His talk is broadcast from the Science Unwrapped website at 7 p.m. via Zoom. All are welcome.

Discovery of the smallpox vaccine by Edward Jenner in 1798, considered one of the greatest medical advancements in modern history, was met with celebration as well as worry – much as emerging COVID-19 vaccines are received today.

“Although vaccines have played a major role in eradicating serious disease over the centuries, concerns and fears surrounding their use have persisted,” says Utah State University neurobiologist Thayne Sweeten. “Today, these concerns continue in questions about the safety of measles, mumps and rubella vaccines and new vaccines, developed with unprecedented speed, against COVID-19.”

Sweeten explores this topic as featured speaker for the USU College of Science’s Science Unwrapped outreach program. He presents “Vaccine Fears: Fact and Fiction” Friday, Jan. 22, at 7 p.m. MST via Zoom.

All ages are welcome to tune in to the webinar on Science Unwrapped’s website. The online event also features a question-and-answer session following the talk, along with links to video learning activities.

Sweeten is a professional practice associate professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in USU’s Department of Biology. His research interests include immune mechanisms in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder.

Sweeten’s presentation is part of Science Unwrapped’s 2020-21 “Brave New World” series, which kicked off in September 2020 and continues through April 2021.

For more information, call 435-797-3517, visit the Science Unwrapped website or view the ‘Science Unwrapped at USU’ Facebook page.


Mary-Ann Muffoletto
Public Relations Specialist
College of Science


Greg Podgorski
Associate Dean for Undergraduates, Science Unwrapped Chair
College of Science

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