Blog Archive - 2022

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Although Utah’s rate of homelessness is less than the national rate, thousands of individuals and families experience homelessness each year. We must continue efforts to provide resources for those currently experiencing homelessness and develop strategies that ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring.
Homelessness Among Utah Women

Homelessness Among Utah Women

Although Utah’s rate of homelessness is less than the national rate, thousands of individuals and families experience homelessness each year. We must continue efforts to provide resources for those currently experiencing homelessness and develop strategies that ensure homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring.

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The December 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
December 2022 Newsletter

December 2022 Newsletter

The December 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

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Sub-Featured Article
Did you miss this Fall Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Hacks to Help Women Maximize Income and Minimize Expenses

Event Recap - Hacks to Help Women Maximize Income and Minimize Expenses

Did you miss this Fall Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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Research Brief
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As we understand more about women’s decisions and broaden awareness about the benefits of higher education, we can foster a supportive environment for women’s education within families and communities, then translate that support into higher graduation rates among women.
Understanding the Gender Gap in Utah Higher Education: Qualitative Findings

Understanding the Gender Gap in Utah Higher Education: Qualitative Findings

As we understand more about women’s decisions and broaden awareness about the benefits of higher education, we can foster a supportive environment for women’s education within families and communities, then translate that support into higher graduation rates among women.

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The November 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
November 2022 Newsletter

November 2022 Newsletter

The November 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

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Research Brief
Sub-Featured Article
Results from the recent Utah study of secondary students show gender differences in the educational experiences and aspirations of Utah’s youth. In this article, we draw attention to the barriers they face and we offer suggestions for overcoming the gender gap.
Perceptions of Higher Education: Gender Differences in Utah Secondary School Students

Perceptions of Higher Education: Gender Differences in Utah Secondary School Students

Results from the recent Utah study of secondary students show gender differences in the educational experiences and aspirations of Utah’s youth. In this article, we draw attention to the barriers they face and we offer suggestions for overcoming the gender gap.

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The October 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
October 2022 Newsletter

October 2022 Newsletter

The October 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

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Sub-Featured Article
The UWLP White Paper Series offers research-based reports on specific issues that impact Utah girls and women, along with related policy recommendations. This paper focuses on the status, challenges, and opportunities of women-owned businesses in Utah.
Women-Owned Businesses in Utah: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities

Women-Owned Businesses in Utah: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities

The UWLP White Paper Series offers research-based reports on specific issues that impact Utah girls and women, along with related policy recommendations. This paper focuses on the status, challenges, and opportunities of women-owned businesses in Utah.

Research Brief
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Sub-Featured Article
Taking vital steps will not only mitigate gender disparity observed at the level of advanced education in Utah but will move the needle in other areas of gender inequity in the state, such as the gender wage gap.
Understanding the Gender Gap in Utah Higher Education: Quantitative Findings

Understanding the Gender Gap in Utah Higher Education: Quantitative Findings

Taking vital steps will not only mitigate gender disparity observed at the level of advanced education in Utah but will move the needle in other areas of gender inequity in the state, such as the gender wage gap.

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Diversity and Inclusion
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Did you miss this Fall Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - The Status & Experiences of Utah Women of Color

Event Recap - The Status & Experiences of Utah Women of Color

Did you miss this Fall Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

Mental Health
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Suicide is a serious, evolving, and complex public health issue that negatively impacts individuals, families, and communities across Utah, the nation, and the world. Suicide can have lasting and harmful effects on everyone touched in some way, and it carries high economic and human costs.
Suicide Among Utah Girls and Women

Suicide Among Utah Girls and Women

Suicide is a serious, evolving, and complex public health issue that negatively impacts individuals, families, and communities across Utah, the nation, and the world. Suicide can have lasting and harmful effects on everyone touched in some way, and it carries high economic and human costs.

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The September 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter

The September 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

Sub-Featured Article
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Did you miss this Fall Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - How Women Can Budget to Survive Inflation

Event Recap - How Women Can Budget to Survive Inflation

Did you miss this Fall Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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Sexual Harassment
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Tragically, workplace sexual harassment continues to happen today and is vastly under-reported. This harassment causes extensive harms to the individuals harassed, the vast majority of whom are women.
Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment: Public Policy Solutions for Utah

Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment: Public Policy Solutions for Utah

Tragically, workplace sexual harassment continues to happen today and is vastly under-reported. This harassment causes extensive harms to the individuals harassed, the vast majority of whom are women.

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Diversity and Inclusion
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Stories are the oldest form of passing on both knowledge and human experience. We see ourselves in each other and come to know something about ourselves that was often hidden prior to hearing someone’s story. We can grow with each other through stories.
Community Conversations with Utah Women of Color

Community Conversations with Utah Women of Color

Stories are the oldest form of passing on both knowledge and human experience. We see ourselves in each other and come to know something about ourselves that was often hidden prior to hearing someone’s story. We can grow with each other through stories.

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The August 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
August 2022 Newsletter

August 2022 Newsletter

The August 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

Violence Against Women
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With the high rates of sexual assault in Utah, continued research on adult and child sexual assault cases is critically important. Research can inform both practice and policy to improve care for sexual assault survivors and reduce sexual violence throughout Utah.
Sexual Assault Among Utah Women: A 2022 Update

Sexual Assault Among Utah Women: A 2022 Update

With the high rates of sexual assault in Utah, continued research on adult and child sexual assault cases is critically important. Research can inform both practice and policy to improve care for sexual assault survivors and reduce sexual violence throughout Utah.

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Research Brief
Main Featured Article
Schools continue to struggle more than ever to find qualified, effective leaders. Hence, finding, preparing, and supporting future educational leaders – women and men—is imperative for the future of Utah.
The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Public Education (K–12): A 2022 Update

The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Public Education (K–12): A 2022 Update

Schools continue to struggle more than ever to find qualified, effective leaders. Hence, finding, preparing, and supporting future educational leaders – women and men—is imperative for the future of Utah.

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The July 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
July 2022 Newsletter

July 2022 Newsletter

The July 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

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Community Engagement
Sub-Featured Article
The data in this report provide a snapshot of the existing disparities in several areas specifically related to Utah American Indian women. It also provides a starting point for meaningful, targeted change.
The Status of Utah American Indian Women

The Status of Utah American Indian Women

The data in this report provide a snapshot of the existing disparities in several areas specifically related to Utah American Indian women. It also provides a starting point for meaningful, targeted change.

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Community Engagement
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Utahns can increase equity and equality within the state by utilizing data to recognize the impact of gender and race in our everyday lives. The state can use these data to better utilize the talents, ideas, and resources that Latina women have to offer the state, employers, and Utah families.
The Status of Utah Hispanic or Latina Women

The Status of Utah Hispanic or Latina Women

Utahns can increase equity and equality within the state by utilizing data to recognize the impact of gender and race in our everyday lives. The state can use these data to better utilize the talents, ideas, and resources that Latina women have to offer the state, employers, and Utah families.

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The June 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
June 2022 Newsletter

June 2022 Newsletter

The June 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

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Sub-Featured Article
Utah needs significant investment into efforts that encourage and mentor Utah girls and young women to pursue STEM education and careers, and industries must continue to improve the corporate climate to attract and retain women in STEM fields.
Utah Women and Stem: A 2022 Update

Utah Women and Stem: A 2022 Update

Utah needs significant investment into efforts that encourage and mentor Utah girls and young women to pursue STEM education and careers, and industries must continue to improve the corporate climate to attract and retain women in STEM fields.

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Girls and Teens
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Did you miss this Spring Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Building Emotional Resilience in Girls and Young Women

Event Recap - Building Emotional Resilience in Girls and Young Women

Did you miss this Spring Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

Community Engagement
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As we seek to provide greater access and opportunity to all Utah residents, the state can use these data to better utilize the talents, ideas, and resources that Black women have to offer the state, employers, and Utah families.
The Status of Utah Black Women

The Status of Utah Black Women

As we seek to provide greater access and opportunity to all Utah residents, the state can use these data to better utilize the talents, ideas, and resources that Black women have to offer the state, employers, and Utah families.

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The May 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
May 2022 Newsletter

May 2022 Newsletter

The May 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

Community Engagement
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Sub-Featured Article
The data in this report provide a snapshot of the existing disparities in several areas specifically related to Utah Asian women. Thus, the report provides a starting point for meaningful, targeted change.
The Status of Utah Asian Women

The Status of Utah Asian Women

The data in this report provide a snapshot of the existing disparities in several areas specifically related to Utah Asian women. Thus, the report provides a starting point for meaningful, targeted change.

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Sub-Featured Article
Community Engagement
The data in this report provide a snapshot of the existing disparities in several areas specifically related to Utah Pacific Islander women. It also provides a starting point for meaningful, targeted change.
The Status of Utah Pacific Islander Women

The Status of Utah Pacific Islander Women

The data in this report provide a snapshot of the existing disparities in several areas specifically related to Utah Pacific Islander women. It also provides a starting point for meaningful, targeted change.

Politics and Government
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Girls and Teens
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Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Career Exploration for Girls and Women: Law & Nonprofit

Event Recap - Career Exploration for Girls and Women: Law & Nonprofit

Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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The April 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
April 2022 Newsletter

April 2022 Newsletter

The April 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

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Violence Against Women
Sub-Featured Article
Despite public perceptions that human trafficking is only an international problem, it occurs in the United States and even within urban and rural areas of Utah.
Human Trafficking Among Utah Girls and Women

Human Trafficking Among Utah Girls and Women

Despite public perceptions that human trafficking is only an international problem, it occurs in the United States and even within urban and rural areas of Utah.

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Sub-Featured Article
Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Perspectives on Women’s Leadership from Prominent Utah Women of Faith

Event Recap - Perspectives on Women’s Leadership from Prominent Utah Women of Faith

Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

Utah Women's History
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Did you miss this celebration? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - International Women’s Day Celebration: Utah Women Learn, Lead, & Lift

Event Recap - International Women’s Day Celebration: Utah Women Learn, Lead, & Lift

Did you miss this celebration? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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The March 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
March 2022 Newsletter

March 2022 Newsletter

The March 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

Research Brief
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Sub-Featured Article
Speaking up against sexism can be a powerful force for reducing gender inequity. Further, being prepared about how to respond to everyday sexism can help women feel more confident in their interactions with others.
Sexist Comments & Responses: Stereotypes and Undervaluing Women

Sexist Comments & Responses: Stereotypes and Undervaluing Women

Speaking up against sexism can be a powerful force for reducing gender inequity. Further, being prepared about how to respond to everyday sexism can help women feel more confident in their interactions with others.

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Did you miss this Spring Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Conflict Management for Women: Skills, Strategies, and Solutions

Event Recap - Conflict Management for Women: Skills, Strategies, and Solutions

Did you miss this Spring Workshop? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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Diversity and Inclusion
Data on Utah women suggest that sexual minority women are economically disadvantaged with respect to three key areas: educational attainment, employment status, and household income.
The Economic Circumstances of Sexual Minority Women in Utah

The Economic Circumstances of Sexual Minority Women in Utah

Data on Utah women suggest that sexual minority women are economically disadvantaged with respect to three key areas: educational attainment, employment status, and household income.

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Sub-Featured Article
Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum event? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Relaunching Your Career: Tools & Strategies for Women Returning to the Workforce

Event Recap - Relaunching Your Career: Tools & Strategies for Women Returning to the Workforce

Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum event? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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The February 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
February 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter

The February 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

Research Brief
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Politics and Government
The last few years have been record-setting years for women running for office across the country, and we are seeing similar trends in Utah. When more women run, more women win.
The Status of Women in Utah Politics: A 2022 Update

The Status of Women in Utah Politics: A 2022 Update

The last few years have been record-setting years for women running for office across the country, and we are seeing similar trends in Utah. When more women run, more women win.

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Sub-Featured Article
Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum event? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Salary Negotiation for Women: The Latest Research & Cutting-Edge Best Practices

Event Recap - Salary Negotiation for Women: The Latest Research & Cutting-Edge Best Practices

Did you miss this Spring Women's Leadership Forum event? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

Health and Well-being
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Poverty is linked to many interrelated facets of overall wellbeing, and Utahns recognize the need to reduce poverty rates among those who struggle on a day-to-day basis.
Poverty Among Utah Women: A 2022 Update

Poverty Among Utah Women: A 2022 Update

Poverty is linked to many interrelated facets of overall wellbeing, and Utahns recognize the need to reduce poverty rates among those who struggle on a day-to-day basis.

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Did you miss this Spring Symposium event? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.
Event Recap - Childcare Symposium: Practices, Policies, and Strategies to Move Utah Forward

Event Recap - Childcare Symposium: Practices, Policies, and Strategies to Move Utah Forward

Did you miss this Spring Symposium event? Don't worry! You can read about it and watch the full recording here.

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The January 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.
January 2022 Newsletter

January 2022 Newsletter

The January 2022 Newsletter for the Utah Women & Leadership Project highlights new resources released, editorials, and announcements about women's groups and partnerships.

Research Brief
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In this study, the “Objectification” theme included comments in which women were viewed or treated more as objects than as human beings. Speaking up against sexism can be a powerful tool for reducing gender inequity.
Sexist Comments & Responses: Objectification

Sexist Comments & Responses: Objectification

In this study, the “Objectification” theme included comments in which women were viewed or treated more as objects than as human beings. Speaking up against sexism can be a powerful tool for reducing gender inequity.

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The UWLP White Paper Series offers research-based reports on specific issues that impact Utah girls and women, along with related policy recommendations. Childcare is a vital part of our state’s social and economic infrastructure and is increasingly critical for working parents.
The Complex Childcare Landscape: Public Policy Solutions for Utah

The Complex Childcare Landscape: Public Policy Solutions for Utah

The UWLP White Paper Series offers research-based reports on specific issues that impact Utah girls and women, along with related policy recommendations. Childcare is a vital part of our state’s social and economic infrastructure and is increasingly critical for working parents.