Engage with Honors

Share Good News, Ideas, and Experience

The USU Honors community benefits from the success, innovation, and experience of our alumni and friends. We invite this group to send us good news, share ideas for Honors programming, and engage with current students in the various ways outlined below. 

News and Testimonials

Honors celebrates the accomplishments of our alumni and friends and invites updates about good news and accomplishments. We also welcome alumni testimonials about the lasting impact of Honors on their personal and professional lives. 


Honors loves great ideas for new programming that would help students to take Horace’s ancient challenge: "Sapere Aude"—or "Dare to Know"? We invite our alumni and friends to be creative and send us their thoughts.

Student Engagement

Honors invites our alumni and friends to express interest in visiting with current students on campus, presenting about a personal passion project, or talking with students about professional development.