OP Courses

Outdoor Programs offers industry-standard certification courses in wilderness medicine, avalanche education, and swift water rescue. These courses are open to the general public unless specified otherwise. Priority registration may be given to USU students, faculty and staff with certain course offerings. Only USU students currently enrolled at the time of registration are eligible for the student rate. Course participants must be a minimum of 18 years of age. OP Course Cancellation Policy

DMM Logo
Wilderness First Aid (WFA)

This course is a great introduction to wilderness medicine and basic life support skills. It is perfect for the outoor enthusiast who wants more than an urban first aid course provides. The emphasis of the course is on recognizing and treating life-threatening traumatic and medical emergencies, common wilderness injuries, bandaging and splinting, and environmental injuries. CPR & AED is included in the curriculum.

This course is taught in partnership with Desert Mountain Medicine and is offered for USU academic credit through Kinesiology and Health Sciences.

DMM Logo

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Online Hybrid 

Recognized as the standard medical training for guides, outdoor educators, and wilderness enthusiasts. The 80-hour WFR course provides students with the knowledge and skills to respond to medical and traumatic emergencies in remote locations. CPR & AED is included in the curriculum.

The first 30 hours consist of self-directed online modules followed by 50 hours of hands-on classroom and scenario-based instruction. The online session must be completed prior to the start of the classroom session.

This course is taught in partnership with Desert Mountain Medicine and is offered for USU academic credit through Kinesiology and Health Sciences.

Moab course is held at the USU Moab Campus.

DMM Logo

Wilderness First Responder Recertification (WRC)
Online Hybrid

This course may be used to refresh a Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA), Wilderness First Responder (WFR) or Wilderness EMT (wilderness section only) certifications. The 3-day course is heavily scenario based and will provide a review and update of wilderness medicine treatment practices, protocols and evacuation guidelines. On day one you will jump right into scenarios and move through the course curriculum at a fast pace. 

Curriculum is tailored to:

  • Experienced Backcountry Users & Professional Guides
  • The Latest Wilderness Medicine Protocols
  • Industry Standards
  • Risk Assessment & Wilderness Risk Management


  • Previous WFR certifications must have been at least 72-hours in length.
  • All participants must have completed the online modules prior to the start of the in-person classroom session.

This course is taught in partnership with Desert Mountain Medicine. Moab courses are also in partnership with the Canyonlands Field Institute and held at their Professor Valley Field Camp.


AIARE LogoAvalanche 1

The AIARE 1 is a three-day, 24-hour introduction to avalanche hazard management.

Students can expect to develop a good grounding in how to prepare for and carry out a backcountry trip, to understand basic decision making while in the field, and to learn rescue techniques required to find and dig up a buried person.

Who Should Take this Course

The AIARE 1 is for anyone who wants to recreate in or near avalanche terrain. Participants may have attended some awareness classes or workshops or completed the Avalanche Rescue course, but none are a prerequisite for this course.

Aspiring professionals will need to take the AIARE 1 and Avalanche Rescue as a prerequisite for the Pro 1 course.


Students must be able to travel in avalanche terrain and bring appropriate equipment for traveling on snow to class. Non-motorized backcountry travel equipment (AT skis, Telemark, Splitboard w/ skins) is required. Snow shoes and cross country skis are not allowed.

Students must be comfortable riding black diamond resort terrain in variable snow conditions and be prepared for strenuous uphill backcountry travel. THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR NOVICE SKIERS/SNOWBOARDERS!

This course will consist of online modules, a classroom session and field days in surrounding area mountains. Students will need to bring an avalanche transceiver, shovel, and probe.

Backcountry equipment required for this course can be rented from the USU Outdoor Programs rental shop. Please reserve this equipment in advance as quantities are limited.

This course is taught in partnership with American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education and is offered for USU academic credit through Kinesiology and Health Sciences.


AIARE LogoAvalanche 2

In the past the AIARE 2 was designed to be an entry level professional course.

The redesigned AIARE 2 is designed specifically to meet the needs of advanced recreational students who have taken an AIARE 1 and Avalanche Rescue class.

Offerings & Registration
January 19-21, 2026


  • $325 (USU Students)
  • $525 (non-students)
If your desired course is full, please call (435) 797-3264 to be added to a waitlist.

The AIARE 2 is a three-day/24-hour course that provides backcountry travelers an opportunity to advance their decision making skills in more complicated situations such as being a leader within a small travel group, traveling in more complicated terrain, and/or developing a travel plan where online resources are scarce.

The AIARE 2 builds on the introductory avalanche hazard management model introduced in the AIARE 1 and adds to it the evaluation of critical hazard assessment factors. Students will describe and discuss weather, snowpack and avalanche processes, and identify how these processes relate to observations and travel within avalanche terrain.

Who Should Take this Course

The AIARE 2 is a three-day course for those who have taken an AIARE 1, Avalanche Rescue and have had at least a year of backcountry travel experience. The AIARE 2 provides backcountry leaders the opportunity to advance their avalanche knowledge and decision making skills.


  • Participants must have the ability to travel in avalanche terrain.
  • An AIARE 1 Course or equivalent Level 1 training.
  • A winter of practical experience after the Level 1 course before taking the AIARE 2 course. AIARE or AAA approved one-day Avalanche Rescue Course.

Non-motorized backcountry travel equipment (AT skis, Telemark, Splitboard w/ skins) is required. Snow shoes and cross country skis are not allowed.

Students must be comfortable riding black diamond resort terrain in variable snow conditions and be prepared for strenuous uphill backcountry travel. THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR NOVICE SKIERS/SNOWBOARDERS!

Backcountry equipment can be rented from the USU Outdoor Programs rental shop. Please reserve this equipment in advance as quantities are limited.

This course is taught in partnership with American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education and is offered for USU academic credit through Kinesiology and Health Sciences.


AIARE LogoAvalanche Rescue

AIARE Avalanche Rescue is a one-day stand alone course that is intended to be retaken on a regular basis in order to keep abreast of best practices in rescue techniques and gear. New participants will learn the basics of companion rescue, while return participants will expand their skill set with advanced topics and realistic scenario practice to help improve their skills after the course.

Each participant will have the opportunity to receive professional coaching on their rescue skills and will receive a rescue card acknowledging completion date at course end.

AIARE Avalanche Rescue is a prerequisite for the AIARE 2 and Pro 1 courses. AIARE recommends that all backcountry travelers keep their skills current by taking an Avalanche Rescue Course and receiving a rescue card at least every other year.

All students will have the opportunity to get feedback from an instructor on their rescue skills and timed practice with a realistic scenario.

Students who have previously taken an AIARE 1 or an Avalanche Rescue Course will find value in having a professional help them set up a realistic scenario, practice skills in a realistic setting, receive feedback from an instructor, keep up with current best practices, and have an opportunity to practice advanced rescue skills.

Who Should Take this Course

The Avalanche Rescue Course is a one-day course aimed both at new and experienced recreationists, and aspiring snow professionals.


Students must be able to travel in the snow, and bring appropriate equipment for traveling on snow to class.

Backcountry equipment required for this course can be rented from the USU Outdoor Programs rental shop. Please reserve this equipment in advance as quantities are limited.

This course is taught in partnership with American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education and is offered for USU academic credit through Kinesiology and Health Sciences.


SSI Logo  Swiftwater Rescue (Rec-1 & Pro-1)

Rec-1 Course

This course is primarily designed for those wishing to gain experience around moving water. This course is framed around participant desires for training and taking beginner and novice students through the process of risk management and decision making in a swift water setting.
Although this course does meet the SSI standards for certification, because of the format students will only be able to achieve a 2 year certification and all recreation based students will receive a Verification of Training for the Recreational Boater  with no expiration.
Guides and other water professionals need to push themselves towards the PRO-I and achieve up to a 3 year certification, but can option into this course in order to receive training if nothing else is available. This may also be used as a recert module for those that cannot get into a PRO-I or a PRO-II (Cert/Recert length does not exceed 2 yrs in this class).
This class is tempered for recreational enthusiast with varied experience levels. We can discuss several different topics of importance to private boaters, and all knowledge gained in this class is positive. If you are a recreational boater with substantial experience, and perhaps a couple of training courses under your belt over the years, we would push you to get into the PRO-I course.

Online Component

After you register, you will receive your online invitation email so you can start your online training. You have from the time yout register to the start of the course to complete the 3-4 hr training which consist of 19 training modules. Each module will be followed by a module exam, and you will be able to retake each exam as many times as necessary. You must pass each exam with a minimum score of 80% in order to gain access to the next module. You can start and stop at any time and your progress will be saved. This will help you be successful once you get to class.

Field Training

For the 2 day REC-I, expect to meet at a pre-determined course site in the morning on day 1 (TBD by your instructor). A little time in the morning will be spent on land reviewing some of the concepts that you were exposed to during the online training. Additionally, you will also be presented with the student field manual, and your instructor will go over all necessary course paperwork. All of this in preparation for day 2 that will be a continuation of day 1 with focus on training in the river and rapidly building your skill-set. We will introduce and have discussions on risk management, group dynamics, expedition leadership and self care in a stressful environment.


  1. 18 Years of age
  2. Proficient swimmer
  3. Physically capable
  4. Desire to learn
  5. All of the necessary PPE
  6. Meet all Essential Eligibility Criteria

Pro-1 Course

This is a professional level swiftwater rescue course designed for those requiring certification as a term of employment in a professional capacity; this course teaches rescue techniques with regard to limited resources in a variety of river settings. This 2 day, 18 hr course (with online training) meets the needs of professional river guides as well as USFS, NPS, Search and Rescue teams, Field Biologists, and BLM employees. Additionally, this course is open to recreational river users wishing to train on the PRO track and have access to the PRO-II course not accessible through the REC track.

Course focus is on personal safety, decision making, risk management, and complex problem solving with other team members having limited rescue resources and communication with outside parties. This course is designed to meet varying student skill levels, and everyone from professional guides to seasonal contractors will benefit from the rescue techniques and concepts covered in this course. Self rescue and hazard avoidance and recognition are key components in this swiftwater course.

Pro-1 Course Delivery

The PRO-I will be delivered in a 2 day, 18 hour format. We achieve this by eliminating the formal classroom component due to COVID19 concerns, and allow you to access online training modules from the safety and comfort of your home. You are required to complete your online training prior to the field training with SSI. Days 1 and 2 will be spent in the water working on rescue concept evolutions. The PRO-I requires the student to understand key components in the online training and show up in the field on day one (1) capable of constructing a 3:1 mechanical advantage system on their own (direction provided in online modules). 

Online Component

After you register, you will receive your online invitation email so you can start your online training. You have from the time yout register to the start of the course to complete the 3-4 hr training which consist of 19 training modules. Each module will be followed by a module exam, and you will be able to retake each exam as many times as necessary. You must pass each exam with a minimum score of 80% in order to gain access to the next module. You can start and stop at any time and your progress will be saved. This will help you be successful once you get to class.

Field Training

For a 2 day PRO-I, expect to meet at a pre-determined course site on morning one (1) and be presented with the student field manual and all necessary course paperwork. You will be required to construct a simple 3:1 mechanical advantage system as a means to test into this program. All of this in preparation for two (2) days that will involve a heavy hands-on approach with focus on training in the river and rapidly building your skill-set.


  1. 18 years of age
  2. Proficient swimmer
  3. Physically capable
  4. Desire to learn
  5. All of the necessary PPE
  6. Meet all Essential Eligibility Criteria


After you have successfully completed the online training and passed with an average score of no less than 80%, you will be allowed to attend the field training portion. You must also pass the practical evaluation on day one (1): building a simple 3:1 mechanical advantage system on your own. There will be no further written examination in this PRO-I training, however you will have to satisfy practical evaluations throughout your time in the field. These are required components for the certification of a PRO-I course.


Internationally recognized 3 year Swiftwater Rescue Training (PRO-I ) Certification of Course Completion – with satisfactory practical and written skills evaluations. On occasion, it may be deemed by your instructor that a one or two year certification is more appropriate based on practical skills evaluations. This will be outlined in the SSI Core Competencies evaluation and clearly explained to the student.

These courses are taught in partnership with the Swiftwater Safety Institute (SSI) and is offered for USU academic credit through Kinesiology and Health Sciences.

Swiftwater equipment required for this course can be rented from the USU Outdoor Programs rental shop. Please reserve this equipment in advance as quantities are limited.