Club Leadership Resources

General Information
  • Club Handbook 2024-2025
    • The 2024-25 club handbook can be viewed now. The rules and regulations in this handbook will stay in place until updated for the next academic school year
  • 2024-2025 Club Registration
    • Registration will close August 9th for returning clubs and will stay open for new clubs to register throughout the year
  • Club Advisor Interest Form
    • If you are faculty or staff at Utah State University and would like to participate in leading a USUSA Club, fill out the form for more information
  • Risk Mitigation Plans
    • Please email to schedule a meeting to review a risk mitigation plan for medium-level risk or high-risk level events and activities 
  • Club Funding Requests
    • Will be reviewed on a rolling basis for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
  • TSC Table Request
  • Campus Venue Scheduling
  • Fundraising Request
  • Constitution Template
  • USUSA 2023-2024 Club Showcase Awards
    • Growth and Outreach Award- Fiber Arts Club 
    • Extraordinary Community Engagement Award- USU Rotaract Club
    •  Career & Future Development Award- National Student Speech Language Hearing Association 
    • People's Choice Award- Interfaith Student Association 
    • 2024 Club of the Year- Pre-Dental Club  
Marketing and Trademark Licensing
Mandatory Meetings
  • Club Monthly Meetings 2024-2025
    • Thursday, September 5, 2024 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big Blue Room | University Marketing Training 
    • Friday September 27,2024 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big BLue Room | Mandatory Title IX Training 
    • Thursday, October 3, 2024 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big Blue Room | CLub Organization Training
    • Thursday, November 7, 2024 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big Blue Room | Finance Training 
    • Thursday, December 5, 2024 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big Blue Room | Service Training
    • Thursday, February, 6, 2025 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big Blue Room | Clubs and Organization Training 
    • Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 4:00pm | TSC 221 Aspen Room | Leadership Training 
    • Thursday, April 3, 2025 | 4:00pm | TSC 229 Big Blue Room | Closing Social 
Club Registration Application
The registration for USUSA Clubs & Organizations for the 2024-2025 academic year will close August 9th for returning USUSA Clubs. The form will stay open throughout the year for New USUSA Clubs to register. These applications will be viewed by the USUSA Council of Clubs & Organizations on a weekly basis. We will consult with Risk Management for any high-risk level clubs.