Teaching Software

Assessment Tools

Canvas icon


Remotely proctor your students through this third-party tool.

Canvas icon

Atomic Assessments

Customizable question options and settings beyond those available in Canvas quizzes.

Canvas icon


Copyleaks is a software program that helps you identify potential instances of plagiarism.


Import exams from word processing documents into a format that Canvas can read.

Canvas icon


Annotate any online source through a Canvas assignment.

Course Development Tools

USU Design Tools

Internal Canvas tools that allow you to quickly build and style a course in Canvas.

Delphinium logo


Add game elements to your existing Canvas course(s).

Canvas icon

Ally Accessibility

See how accessible all of the content in your course is and how to fix the issues you encounter.

Microsoft Onenote logo


Provide a simple notebook design with the ability to integrate with Canvas courses.

Classroom Tools

iClicker icon


Run live polls in your synchronous courses.

Student Support Tools

Portfolium icon


Create and share ePortfolio projects and network with peers.

Tutor.com logo


A tutoring platform for fully online courses where students can get 24/7 access to personalized help.