Procedures and FAQs

This reference page is intended to point you in the right direction on several common procedural issues and questions. It is non-definitive. You are encouraged to seek further advice from the appropriate office as needed.

Navigate to one of the sections below for more information:

Course Materials (Textbooks)

When do course materials requirements need to be reported?

The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires that all course materials and their costs are disclosed to students at the time of registration. This translates into the following deadlines by which teachers must report the materials they are using:

  • Fall: March 10
  • Spring: October 10
  • Summer: February 25
How are course materials reported? You will receive an email 2-3 weeks before the semester due date. Follow the instructions it provides. You can also review or submit materials at
Where can I find more information? Learn more online at, call 435.797.1671, or email

Academic Integrity Issues

USU students agree to an honor pledge when they enroll at USU, in which they pledge to conduct themselves with the utmost academic integrity. Academic integrity violations include, but are not limited to, cheating, falsification, and plagiarism.

Where academic dishonesty is suspected, the instructor must complete an Academic Integrity Violation Form,, within 7 days of when the suspected violation has occurred.

The student has 7 days to respond to the instructor. Resolutions are filed in a resolution report to student services. There is an appeal process available if a satisfactory resolution is not reached. See the Student Code for full details:

Student Privacy (FERPA)

Student records at USU are governed by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This gives students the right to review information in their academic records, request to amend their academic records, consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information, and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of education if they feel the University has not complied with their FERPA rights.

FERPA has several implications for teaching. For example, it prohibits instructors from sharing student grade information without the student’s consent with anyone but the student receiving the grade. Student enrollment information as well as other “non-directory” information is also protected. Parents, friends, family, and other students are among those with whom information cannot be shared unless the student consents to it.

Systems like Canvas ( are provided as a secure means of communicating grade and feedback information with students.

See the university catalog ( or the registrar’s office web page for more details.

Campus Safety Issues

If a student’s behavior reaches a level that seems disruptive or threatening, an instructor should fill out a Student of Concern Incident Report Form:


"Grading is the main symbolic method of recording the evaluation of a student’s academic performance. This academic evaluation is both the responsibility and the prerogative of the individual instructor. Where appropriate, the instructor may delegate authority but not responsibility in this matter. The instructor is the ultimate arbiter of grades in the course. All grades must be submitted 96 hours after the last final of the semester" (USU Catalog Grading Policy).

When are grades due? Instructors are expected to submit final grades within four business days after the last day of the final exam. For most online courses, this falls on Thursday, 5:00 P.M. MST following the conclusion of Finals Week.
How are grades submitted?

You can publish grades in one of two ways:

Students who receive a failing grade need to have the last date of attendance (or the date of last access in Canvas) entered into Banner. The date of a student’s last access in Canvas can be obtained in a student’s Access Report.

What if a change of grade is needed? The Registrar’s office provides an electronic change of grades form through the university’s ServiceNow catalog. You can find a link to it on the Registrar’s grading page for faculty:
Is there a standard grading scale?

Instructors are given flexibility in their grading scales; however, the typical grading scale used is as follows. Note that there is no A+ or D- grade.

Implement the USU grading scale in your course.

(A) 93 or higher
(A-) 90 – 92.9
(B+) 87 – 89.9
(B) 83 – 86.9
(B-) 80 – 82.9
(C+) 77 – 79.9
(C) 73 – 76.9
(C-) 70 – 72.9
(D+) 67 – 69.9
(D) 60 – 66.9
(F) 59.9 or below

How are incomplete (I) grades handled? If a student does not complete a class by its scheduled completion date because of extenuating circumstances, the student can petition the instructor for an incomplete grade with time beyond the end of the semester to finish. Instructors who agree must submit an Incomplete Grade Documentation Form in ServiceNow. The form goes to the Registrar's office, which reviews the request. If approved, the student will have the agreed-upon amount of time (12 months or less) to complete the coursework. An incomplete grade may be granted only if the student has completed the majority of the course and is passing the class at the time.
Where do I find more information?

You can find more information about grading and academic records at the following sites:

Materials that are in the public domain, that have a Creative Commons license, that belong to the instructor, or that have copyright clearance from the copyright holder, can be used according to the terms of use agreed upon.

Other materials may be used according to the provisions of the TEACH Act, which provides some freedom for educational use within a closed system like Canvas, so long as a “reasonable and limited” amount of the content is used in a manner that is not likely to impact the profitability of the work for the copyright holder. Copyright restrictions do not apply if the instructor simply links to materials hosted elsewhere.

Instructors are encouraged to use open educational resources (OER) where possible. For much more detailed information on copyright and access to OER resources, see

Accessibility and Student Accommodations

USU is committed to providing access to its many educational opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Students with disabilities may contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to request assistance and accommodations. Faculty may also refer students to the DRC.

When an accommodation request is made, the faculty member is informed and is responsible to help provide the accommodations requested. Staff members at the DRC and the Office of the Executive Vice President (EVP) provide additional resources necessary to assist the instructor.

As a rule, instructors are responsible to strive for accessibility in their selection and use of materials. Captioning services for videos, among other services, are provided for instructors by the DRC and EVP upon request. Email


USU is committed to fostering and supporting diversity among its faculty and students on campus. For help and information on programs and services supporting diversity, see

Course Evaluations

USU uses the IDEA Center evaluation system for its student course evaluations. Instructors are sent an email near the beginning of the semester providing instructions on how to identify which of 13 general objectives apply to their course. Instructors are encouraged to select 3-5 objectives. Near the semester’s end, students are sent an email requesting that they complete an evaluation form. Completion of the form is voluntary. Results are reported to the instructor and the instructor’s department head. Quantitative results are made available on the website of the Office of Analysis, Assessment, and Accreditation (AAA).

IDEA Admin System Login: This is the online portal for selecting the objectives most applicable to a course, and for reviewing past evaluation results.

You can find more information on the IDEA Faculty FAQ Page.


Students may be tested in-class or a test may be proctored in one of USU’s on-campus or regional campus testing centers or through a certified proctor located in locations worldwide. Virtual proctoring is also available where needed. See for details and forms.


The IT Service Desk (435.797.HELP) is available to help with many technical support issues for students and faculty. The Center for Innovative Design and Instruction (CIDI) at 435.797.9506 is available to help faculty and instructors with technical and teaching-related questions in teaching and learning environments. For contact information for other service entities on campus, see the USU Directory.