Admissions Office Scholarship FAQ

The following represents commonly asked questions for incoming students. For current students, see the Scholarship Office FAQ.

Scholarship Eligibility

In order to be considered for admissions scholarships you must meet the following criteria:

  • Submit an online application to USU (including application fee) by the scholarship deadline.
    • Apply to the Logan Campus or a Statewide Campus. (Out-of-State Online students do not qualify for admissions scholarships.)
  • Be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, or reside in Utah and be eligible for HB144 or HB118.
  • Have intent to graduate from Utah State University.
  • Be a new first-time student to Utah State University.
    • Returning students, second bachelor students, and graduate students do not qualify for admissions scholarships.
    • Students who have taken USU Concurrent Enrollment are still eligible for admissions scholarships.

Application Deadlines

  • All academic scholarships offered through the Admissions Office for Fall 2024 semester have the following priority deadlines:
    • Logan & Statewide Campuses
      • First-Year - June 1, 2024
      • Transfer - June 1, 2024
    • Southeast Campuses (USU Eastern, Blanding, and Moab)
      • First-Year & Transfer - June 1, 2024
  • Completed applications must be submitted and paid for by the deadlines listed above. Late applications will not be reviewed.
  • Improvements to a GPA, ACT/SAT, or index score will not be considered after the deadline.

Acceptance Deadlines

Accept your scholarship by paying or postponing your enrollment deposit*, or by deferring your admission. The deadline to do this is printed on each scholarship offer and is typically May 1 for summer/fall semesters and December 1 for spring semester.

*Students attending the USU Eastern, Blanding, and Moab campuses do not pay the enrollment deposit and confirm their enrollment via the Enrollment Confirmation form.

ACT Scores

  • ACT Composite score is used for scholarship awarding.
  • ACT Superscore cannot be used for scholarship awarding.

ACT On Campus

USU offers an ACT for admissions/scholarships and the scores from the USU ACT On-Campus can only be used at Utah State University. However, these scores will count towards scholarships and admissions. Learn more about the ACT On-Campus (formerly Residual ACT).

SAT Scores

  • SAT taken before March 2016 will use critical reading and math (CR+M) scores for scholarship consideration (based upon 1600 scale). See index for detailed information.
  • SAT taken after March 2016 will use the evidence-based reading and writing, and math (ERW+M) scores for scholarship consideration (based upon 1600 scale). See index for detailed information.
  • SAT scores used for scholarship award do not include the writing portion.


Unweighted GPA is calculated on a 4.0 scale. A GPA weighted above a 4.0 will be recalculated for admissions and scholarship purposes.

Nonresident Scholarships

  • Scholarships applying to nonresident tuition are only available for one year.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to gain Utah residency during their first year (12 months), otherwise they will continue to be charged nonresident tuition.
  • Learn more about establishing Utah Residency.

Deferments/Notification of Leave

  • A deferral is for admitted students who have not started classes at USU. Submitting a deferral accepts scholarships offered by USU Admissions and confirms your intent to enroll in a future semester. Deferrals are only available to students who are not attending another institution before beginning at USU. A deferral must be submitted by the scholarship acceptance deadline for a given semester in order for it to accept scholarships.
  • A notification of leave is for students who have already completed a semester or more at USU, and then need to take a break. If you have an Admissions Scholarship, refer to your acceptance email or acceptance letter as to whether it can be held. To hold your scholarship, you must file for a notification of leave. When your notification of leave is approved, your scholarship will be placed on hold until you return to USU. Scholarships are typically not able to be held if you attend another educational institution while you are away.

Scholarship Credit Requirements

Students receiving a scholarship should refer to their scholarship notification for detailed information on the number of credits required to maintain their scholarship. Some scholarships offered by the Admissions Office are available for multiple years. To retain these awards, 24 credits must be earned between fall and spring semesters. To meet this requirement, students are encouraged to enroll full-time (12-18 credits) each semester. To accommodate course registration, these awards will pay at 9+ credits. If a student is only enrolling one semester during the academic year, then the student must earn a minimum of 12 credits that semester to retain the award.

Scholarship GPA Requirements

Students receiving a scholarship should refer to their scholarship notification for detailed information on the required USU cumulative GPA to maintain their scholarship.

GED Scholarship Consideration

Students being admitted will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for academic scholarship consideration. Weight will be placed on the ACT/SAT scores.

Home School Scholarship Consideration

Students being admitted will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for academic scholarship consideration. Weight will be placed on the ACT/SAT scores.

Combining Scholarships

  • In general, tuition can only be covered once. Academic scholarships are not stackable.
  • If a student receives more than one scholarship, information about combining these scholarships will be explained on the scholarship notification.
  • The following scholarships are offered through the Admissions Office and can be combined (stacked) on top of other scholarships offered through USU: Sterling Scholar scholarships, National Merit awards, Involvement/Leadership/Service scholarships, and Resident Alumni scholarship.
  • Non-USU scholarships (Opportunity Scholarship, private scholarships, etc) can be combined with USU awarded scholarships.

Tuition Payment

  • It is the responsibility of the student to ensure all scholarships are accepted and are paying correctly.
  • Unpaid expenses may result in the loss of classes.

Transcript Articulation

USU accepts credit from any regionally accredited institution within the U.S. and will try to match credits with courses at USU. The process of finding a course-to-course equivalent is called articulation. If no course match is found, you will receive elective credit for your previous course work. View our course-by-course articulation tables to learn more.

Transfer Scholarship Eligibility

Students transferring to Utah State University will be considered for academic scholarships. Students with 24 completed college credits (including concurrent enrollment) will be offered an academic scholarship based upon transfer GPA. Students with 23 or fewer completed college credits will be required to meet first-year student scholarship parameters and requirements (including ACT/SAT scores and high school GPA).

Concurrent Enrollment Credits

USU accepts concurrent enrollment credits for admissions to USU. Incoming first-year students will be awarded an academic scholarship based on high school GPA and ACT/SAT test scores. Transfer students will be awarded an academic scholarship based on college GPA and number of completed credits.