Grade Tracker Component

Note: If you are using this component, that means that you are using a 0-based grading scheme and that your course has a set total number of points.

If your course does not use a 0-based grading scheme or it is dynamic, where you add / remove assignments frequently, do NOT use this component.

The Grade Tracker component displays a student's current progress in earning points in the course grading scheme. Points are earned by completing course assignments. To represent progress, the meter will fill with blue to indicate the student's current total points. If applicable, the meter will also fill with green, representing the bonus points that students have earned for turning their assignments in before the due date.

The Grade Tracker component is directly connected to the course's grading scheme from Canvas. If you would like to adjust the grading scheme, see Enable a Canvas Grading Scheme.

Once this component has been implemented, you will need to manually update Delphinium's max amount of points for the course for the Grade Tracker to be accurate.

Adding Max Points in Delphinium

These are the steps to add the courses max amount of points in Delphinium, so that it syncs with your current grading scheme. If you don't know the max amount of points for your course, continue to "Finding Total Points in a Course," found directly below these instructions.


Go to Settings

delphinium settings icon


Navigate to the Course Settings tab

course settings tab


Enter in the Max Points of the course

Max Points

Finding Total Points in a Course

If you have your course completely ready with all of your assignments published, you can find your course's total points by doing the following:

Note: If your course already has students enrolled, skip ahead to step 4.

Navigate to your Canvas homepage



Click Student View

student view


Exit Student View by clicking Leave Student View

This will add a test student to your grade book, which will allow you to complete the subsequent steps.

Leave Student View


Navigate to Grades on the Canvas navigation



Click Individual Gradebook on the gradebook dropdown menu

Individual Gradebook...


Check the option View Ungraded as 0

View Ungraded as 0


Select any student (i.e. "Student, Test" if you don't have any enrolled students) in the Content Selection section 

Student, Test


At the bottom of the page, the denominator of the grade will reflect the total possible points for all of your published assignments

0 / 810 Points