Add My Media Video to Atomic Assessments Item

If you would like to include a video from your "My Media" collection, you will first need to get the Embed code found under the Share tab in My Media. Once you have that, then you will be able embed the video into the Atomic Assessment item.

Copy the My Media Video Embed Code

The first step that you will need to do is to copy the embed code of the video you have saved in My Media. If you do not have the video uploaded in your My Media account, see our page on how to upload a video to My Media.


Go to your My Media in Canvas

Click on Account, then select My Media.

My Media option highlighted.


Click on the video you want to use

Preview of a My Media list of videos.


Navigate to the Share tab

Arrow pointing at Share tab.


Copy the code under the Embed section

Embed code example with tooltip that says Copy link to share.

Add Video to Atomic Assessment Item

How to embed the video from the code that you copied above:


Select the activity you would like to add the video or create a new one

Preview of a list of activities in Atomic Assessments.


Navigate to the Edit tab

arrow pointing at pencil icon.


Navigate to the Content tab

Arrow pointing at the Content tab.


Click on the item you would like to add the video or create a new item by clicking + Create item

Arrow pointing at + Create item button.


Go to Features

Arrow pointing at Features button.


Select Passage

Preview of Passage option.


Click on the Source button in the Contents Box

Arrow pointing at Share tab.


Paste in the copied embed code then click OK

Preview of embed code with text Paste copied text here.


Enter a title in the Heading and click Save

Heading field highlighted with the Save button highlighted as well.