Teach from a Classroom to Other Classrooms & Individuals via Zoom (Connect)

Classroom facilitators and students will connect to the Zoom meeting.

For students to have access to the Zoom meeting, make sure the Canvas course is published. Note: The Zoom meeting will be created for you. Please do not schedule a new Zoom call for Connect classes or edit the meeting settings.

If you would like to use Zoom features such as breakout rooms, chat, polls, or pausing recordings, you will need to join the Zoom meeting from a laptop or the classroom computer. You may also use this computer for sharing content (PowerPoint, web browser, etc.). Please look at the use individual devices in the classroom section to learn more.

Steps to Prepare


At least two days before your first class, activate your USU Zoom account by signing into zoom.usu.edu


The scheduling team will create your Zoom meetings. You do not need to schedule your own. The following settings will be in place for your Zoom account and should not be changed:

  • The original meeting passcode
  • Disabled waiting room
  • Enabled join before host
  • Disabled mute participants upon entry
  • Allow all participants to share content
* If these settings are changed, the meeting will not function properly with the classroom equipment.

Publish the Canvas Course

This will ensure students have access to the Zoom link for the meeting.


If you want your class session recorded, open the Zoom meeting on your laptop, classroom computer, or classroom touch panel to use the recording function. Please make sure to keep the audio disconnected on the laptop or classroom computer to avoid feedback loops. Remember to save the recording to the cloud instead of the local computer.

If you would like your class automatically recorded on Zoom without having to open the call on a computer, find the meeting in your Zoom account. Click on the correct meeting name and then select edit this meeting. There is an option at the bottom of the page to record the meeting automatically. Select save to the cloud next to it. If you would like assistance, please email cooper.gray@usu.edu.

Note: Automatic Zoom recordings begin the moment any individual joins the meeting. This means that you may have a longer recording if students join early, or you could have several short recordings if students jump into the meeting room for a moment just to test the link.

Using Classroom Equipment

Instructors need to use the wireless mic, if available in the room, so students can hear them.

If you would like assistance with muting participants, organizing breakout rooms, or running polls, you can ask your facilitator to connect to the call on their computer. The facilitator will help you through the steps to make them the meeting co-host for access to the controls they need and can be given that access for the entirety of the semester if desired.

Use Individual Devices in the Classroom

If you want all of your students (including those attending in a classroom) to utilize Zoom features (like breakout rooms and polls), they will each need to be on a device. When in the classroom, the audio needs disconnected on the personal devices to avoid an audio feedback loop.

Disconnect audio in one of two ways:

1. When joining the meeting, a window should pop up asking how you would like to connect to audio. Simply select the in the top right corner.

"Join with computer audio" pop-up window.

2. Select the arrow next to the mic icon in the bottom left and select Leave Computer Audio.

Instructions to leave computer audio in a Zoom call.

If students will be participating in breakout rooms in the classroom, they will need to join audio on their personal device and it is strongly recommended that they use headphones.


Facilitators are automatically assigned to all Connect classes (previously known as IVC classes). If you have questions about facilitators, please email cooper.gray@usu.edu.

What do facilitators support?

  • The setup and operation of local classroom technology (e.g., computers, cameras, microphones, control systems, etc.)
  • Zoom:
    • Set-up
    • In-Meeting Management (including managing participants, securing the meeting, and assisting with breakout groups)
    • Recordings
  • In-class troubleshooting

What do facilitators NOT support?

  • The grading/review of student work/participation or anything related to student grades.
  • Tutoring/answering student questions on course content.

Additional Resources

Breakout Rooms
Publishing Recordings for Students