Using Any Grading Scenario in Canvas

This page will help you create a gradebook as a CSV file to import into Excel to help calculate a custom final grade column.


Click Assignments in the Course Navigation menu

arrow pointing at Assignments in Canvas navigation



Create at least two assignment groups by clicking + Group

Then, give the new group a name and click Save. (You don't have to worry about the "% of total grade" field. We will cover that in the next step).

arrow pointing at + Group button

Remember that you need to create at least two assignment groups.

Navigate to the Assignment Groups Weight in the assignment settings dropdown

3 dot option highlighted and arrow pointing at Assignment Groups Weight



Enable the "Weight final grade based on assignment groups" option and set one of your newly created groups to 0% and another to 100%

Then click Save.

arrows pointing at checkbox, groups highlighted, and arrow pointing at save button


Place all of your standard assignments in the group that is weighted at 0%

arrow pointing from assignments to new assignment group


Create a no-submission assignment for the custom final grade in the group weighted at 100%

  1. Click on the + of the assignment group
    arrow pointing at + in assignment group

  2. Select More Options
    arrow pointing at more options button

  3. Give the assignment a name (For example: "Custom Final Grade")

  4. Make sure the submission type is set as No Submission

  5. Click Save & Publish


Navigate to Grades

Grades tab highlighted.


Click on the Actions dropdown and select Export Entire Gradebook

Actions dropdown options.


Once the CSV file downloads, use Excel to calculate your own unique grading scenario

The final grade will appear in a column that will match with the Custom Final Grade column you created in Canvas.

Note: You can also use some other method to calculate grades and either import a spreadsheet or type the grades in by hand. Either way, be sure you enter your custom calculated grade into the no submission assignment placed in the assignment group weighted at 100 percent. The total score column in Canvas will draw from this group, and should therefore be the total score you want to display to students.  All you need to do now is customize your grading scheme in your course settings to reflect your own letter-grade breakdown.

Save the CSV file to an accessible location on your computer


Import the spreadsheet to Canvas

  1. Navigate to Grades
  2. Expand the Actions dropdown
  3. Select Import

grades tab highlighted, actions dropdown highlighted, and an arrow pointing at import