Transfer Concurrent Enrollment Course to USU Course

If you are a high school teacher for a concurrent enrollment course and would like to transfer the content from your high school's instance of Canvas into Utah State University's instance, you can do so by exporting the course and then importing it into the correct location.


Navigate to Settings in your High School course

Arrow pointing at Settings option in the side navigation of Canvas.


Select Export Course Content

Arrow pointing to the Export Course Content link within the options on the right side of the page.


Select Course, then click Create Export

Course radio button option highlighted with an arrow pointing at Create Export button.


Click New Export

This will download the exported file onto your computer.

Arrow pointing at New Export link.


Go to the USU course and navigate to Settings

Arrow pointing at Settings option in a blank Canvas course.


Click Import Course Content

Arrow pointing at Import Course Content link in the navigation on the right-hand side.


Expand the Content Type dropdown and select Canvas Course Export Package



Click Choose File and select the downloaded high school course exported file

Additionally, select All content to import all of the content information from your high school course.

Arrow pointing at Choose File button, with the All content radio button option highlighted.


Click Import

Once you click Import, your course may take a few minutes to upload all of the content from your high school course. The larger the course, the longer the upload could take. After it's done uploading, review to see if all of your content transferred over correctly.

Arrow pointing at Import button.