Add User Details and Contact Information with DesignPLUS

How to add and style user details blocks for teachers, TAs, and course designers. Users can quickly add contact information for students to reference.

Add User Details

With the User Details tool, you can add or edit teacher and teaching assistant information. The tool pulls the avatar, name, and email from Canvas. Once you’ve added your User Details, you can then use the Edit Current Element panel to add, arrange, or delete your content.

To add a new User Details entry:


Navigate to the page you want to add your User Details


Click Edit

Arrow pointing at Edit button.


Launch DesignPLUS by clicking on the Rocket Ship icon in the top-right corner

Users should have updated the Legacy Design Tools sidebar to the new DesignPLUS sidebar.

Arrow pointing at Rocket Ship icon in the top-right corner of the screen with text that reads "Open DesignPlus Sidebar".


Select the Add New Elements tab if not already selected

DesignPLUS may have opened up this tab by default. If that is the case, leave it as is. Clicking it while it is activated will navigate you away to the Current Element tab.

Arrow pointing at tab with + icon in the DesignPLUS sidebar.


Place your cursor in the editor where you want the details to go

Arrow pointing in the editor that is highlighted.

Select User Details from the Course Information panel

You can also search for a Course Information or, if used recently, it may also appear in the Recently Used Tools tab. This will add a placeholder in the Rich Content Editor (RCE). 

Arrow pointing at User Details option in the DesignPLUS sidebar.


Use the controls in the Content section to populate the image and user details. 

  • Role: select a user role or filter results in the Users section. 
  • Refresh: update the Users list with most recent information. 
  • Users: choose a user to display. 
  • Image: pull an image from the user's Canvas account. 
  • Details: edit the user's details. 
  • Icon Picker: select a desired icon for each User Detail section. 
  • Include/Exclude: use the checkboxes to decide which details are included or excluded in the editor. 

Arrow pointing at the Content panel in the User Details settings in the DesignPLUS sidebar.


Adjust the card style by using the tools in the Style section

Some of the elements that you can edit in this panel include the card style, color, alignment, and icon visibility.

Arrow pointing at the expanded Style panel with all of the settings visible.


Click Save

If you are adding the User Details to the Syllabus page, click Update Syllabus.

Arrow pointing at blue Save button in the bottom-right corner of a Canvas page.

Edit User Details

Once you have placed User Details into your Canvas page, you can edit it through the DesignPLUS sidebar by doing the following:


Place your cursor within the User Details

Arrow pointing at User Details in the Canvas page content editor with the DesignPLUS sidebar open.


Select the Edit Current Element tab if not already selected

Arrow pointing at tab with a target icon in the DesignPLUS sidebar.


Choose the User Details option as the active tool

Arrow pointing at User Details option in the Edit Current Element tab.


Edit the text of the user details in the Content panel

Arrow pointing at the Content panel in the User Details settings in the DesignPLUS sidebar.


Adjust the card style by using the tools in the Style section

Some of the elements that you can edit in this panel include the card style, color, alignment, and icon visibility.

Arrow pointing at the expanded Style panel with all of the settings visible.

Remove User Details

If you would like to remove the User Details on a page, do the following:


Place your cursor within the User Details

Arrow pointing at User Details in the Canvas page content editor with the DesignPLUS sidebar open.


Select the Edit Current Element tab if not already selected

Arrow pointing at tab with a target icon in the DesignPLUS sidebar.


Choose the User Details option as the active tool

Arrow pointing at User Details option in the Edit Current Element tab.


Click Delete User Details (the trashcan icon) in the Action Toolbar

Arrow pointing at the trash can icon in the Action Toolbar for the User Details setting.