How to Transfer a Classic Quiz to New Quiz
Classic quizzes can be moved to a New Quiz format to take advantage of the new question types.
The only exception is that Question Groups will NOT transfer. If your Classic quiz has question groups, these will not be moved over into New Quizzes. If you do migrate a quiz with question groups, you will see errors in the migrated quiz.
Migrating a Quiz
From your course home page, select Quizzes
Select the drop-down menu to the right of the quiz name
Select Migrate quiz
The note “Migration in progress” will appear at the top of the Quizzes page
To find the migrated quiz, go to the left sidebar menu. Select Assignments
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select your migrated quiz
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Build
Check that your questions have copied over correctly and that no error messages appear
Once your Classic quiz has been migrated to a New Quiz, you can add the migrated questions to a New Quiz Bank
These questions can then be used in multiple New Quizzes. For more information, see Question Banks in New Quizzes.
Publish your migrated quiz when you are ready for students to take the New Quiz
Remember to delete or unpublish the classic quiz.
For additional information, see the Canvas Guide How do I migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes?