Import a Quiz from Another Canvas Course

You can import specific content from one Canvas course to another, if you are a Teacher, TA, or Course Designer of both courses. 

This is the process:


Log into the Canvas course where you want the quiz


Click on Settings in the course navigation


Click Import Course Content

Import canvas content


An import content page will open

  1. On the Content Type drop-down, click on Copy a Canvas Course

Canvas copy course

  1. Select the course you want to copy from
  2. Click Select specific content

Select specific content

  1. Click Import
  2. In the Current Jobs section, you will now see a course copy job. Click Select Content

Select content


A pop-up window will appear with optional content to select.

  1. Click on the arrow next to Quizzes and click the check box next to the quiz you want to copy

Select quiz

  1. Click the Select Content button
  2. The job will show as queued, then a progress bar as it copies

Check or edit the quiz settings (due date and etc.)

  1. Click the Quizzes link in the left-hand navigation and click the quiz name
  2. Click the Edit button
  3. Change the settings, then click Save