Moderate Quiz
The Moderate Quiz feature for published Canvas Classic Quizzes allows you to see whether students have taken a quiz, how long students have been taking the quiz, extend the time limit, override the date settings, or provide additional attempts for one student. For full details on all these features, see Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page?
Additional Attempts
To give a student an additional attempt on the quiz:
Go to the quiz details page
Click on Moderate This Quiz
Find the name of the student for whom you would like to allow additional attempts
Click on the pencil icon next to the name
Enter the number of ADDITIONAL attempts
Optional: If the due date or availability date has passed, you can also check the box to Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt
This setting overrides all due date and locked after date settings, so use it with caution. (Another better way to do this is to add additional date settings for the student.)
Click Save
Extend the Time Limit
Go to the quiz details page
Click on Moderate This Quiz
Find the name of the student for whom you would like to allow additional time
Click on the pencil icon next to the name
Enter the number of ADDITIONAL minutes
Click Save